You mean everyone?
You mean everyone?
Being a black male, which I have in common, we don’t fuck around like that. Think of scary movies. It is white people to get killed in quantity. You may have a token black guy getting killed, but it is only one. Most won’t even be in the movie as an actor. It is just a big nope. He is smiling probably because all of…
My god... Sounds amazing. Japanese Lamborghini Aventador. Definitely a Lamborghini sound, not tinny like a Ferrari. I want one
People, get your cage inspected by a professional. They can give good guidance and keep you safe. You can still save $$ by making it yourself and not die in the process.
So, people who voted NP... Why? What is the logic? There are 1334 at the time of this comment. Why? Who are you people? And why are you on Jalopnik? Should be ashamed.
So is trolling, yet here we are...
Can never be unseen...
Yusss. I was just about to ask for this.
Checks out. I did not think about that..
I imagine if there was such a dealer markup it would have been much more successful. Same with the GT350 and R. Such a waste of great cars that do poorly because of dealership’s. Hell, that list is even limited to Ford. Think of the Hellcat or the Demon... I am a firm believer in direct sales but I don’t have the…
This is to CP I need rehab...
I was just waiting to hear, “This is, football - with no Rodger, Goodell”
Not even counting that Superbowl call. He was pure fucking garbage this year.
Fucking finally!!!!!!
Agree 100%. Set YouTube to 0.25 and you can clearly see his elbow was down against his body and only came up as he was pushing him onto his head. Need to remember to keep your feet planted.
Don’t care. If I could have one, I would have one. If the focus of issues was the same for any other car brand/model, the list would be way worse.