
Netflix: “He’s right! We keep making new Adam Sandler movies!

This is absolutely true but I think the more important thing is Trump clearly doesn’t like dogs. I’m reasonably certain if one galloped toward him smiling and wagging its tail, he’d kick it.


Different denomination, so to speak. The Satanic Temple is a fairly recent development and is geared at highlighting all the ways “Christian” churches exploit the laws the protect religion in this country while simultaneously testing the waters of true religious freedom in the country, by staging situations where they

Oh, also I am vaguely acquainted with a prominent member of the Satanic Temple and I feel like a lawn full of coat hangers would be very much in their wheelhouse...

Yyyyyyyep! I hold an especially angry place in my heart for them because they don’t just represent a lie about dead babies to me. They represent the invasion and annihilation of the world I grew up in by far-right assholery. Hard to explain, but the town I grew up in is not the town it is now and in a few ways that’s

the untold story of how people lied, how the media lied, and how the courts were manipulated to pass a law that has since killed over 60 Million Americans.

OMG why have I never thought of replacing all those white crosses in front of a church with wire hangers in the middle of the night?

I presume the daquiris were in St. Croix and the pastrami sandwiches were in NY and never the twain shall meet.

I mean, as long as no actual teens get hurt in the process and one doesn’t use the pics for any exploitative purpose, I don’t really see too much of an issue there.

Kevin “Jesus would vote for Trump” Sorbo. 

So he’s the George Orwell of directors? I dropped a non-zeitgeist-y 1984 quote the other day in response to someone talking about 1984 and they had no idea what the hell I was talking about.

Now playing

I know they’re not popsicles but I could help but think of this after reading the article.

I think the guy you’re responding to is a massive tool but America was founded by a bunch of rich old racist white dudes throwing a tantrum over taxes, gun control, and immigration.

I think it’s fine. There are obviously some bad reasons to pretend to be a teen but this ain’t one of them.

ROBERT V. CONTE is an editor, writer and pop-culture consultant who, armed with his vast memorabilia collection, utilizes his expertise on a myriad of officially licensed products, including GODZILLA, KISS, and SESAME STREET.”

Me as a child watching a traumatic scene in a movie: *hiding under a blanket, sobbing*

I’ve never seen it and never will because no movie about a dog and love will ever stay that way until the end of it.

A friendly reminder that Air Force One is not the President’s plane but a call sign designating ANY Air Force-operated aircraft carrying the current President. Marine One is not the President’s helicopter but a call sign designating ANY Marine-operated aircraft carrying the current President. Ditto Navy One.