Hello America's Un-banned Ghost

There are a few Splinter people slowly congregating over here. It’s a little disorganized because we are trying to figure it out. Right now the creator of it (I have no idea which Splinter person that actually is) has been allowing certain people to log in and just post there, but I’ve been posting on my own Kinja

All of this conversation is always missing one major thing: it is about being a woman and successfully navigating a patriarchical world, but not changing that world. Not fixing it. Just being able to have the same advantages as members of the patriarchy doesn’t actually help other women. One by one, we have to be

Not to mention no one has designed the fucking thing, so there is literally no ability to have a cost estimate done. The land likely needs to be surveyed, soil tested, engineers hired who will then design it, environmental impact studies done (not because of dirty librul environmentalists, but because that’s

Jesus Christ - THANK YOU. You don’t have to be his biggest fan to see that he’s doing something extremely relevant here. Anyone who followed him throughout his campaign will attest that he was always broadcasting kind of mundane shit. I share your worries about the media. It’s good to look at our candidates with a

The existential horror of really believing that you are dirty and sinful just for being alive, and that despite being deliberately created like that, you are commanded to be pure.

It’s likely I wasn’t going to stay Catholic anyway, but my Catholic middle school had a scandal (not with a priest, but it still involved the diocese and everything) and it sped up my divorce from the church (ironically RIGHT after my parents had forced me to go through Confirmation).

Um, I think it’s a little weird you’re trying to shame a woman who would hire someone to do domestic work by saying they need to similarly be “productive.” I wholeheartedly agree with not treating them like slaves but it’s pretty weird, if you’re paying a decent amount (and not to a slave-y company), to then be forced

These are really huge yet simple problems causing this. One is the fact that more privileged workers are often in a spot where they are doing something like cleaning houses (or driving ubers) because they have student loans to pay off and their wages are incredibly low. This pushes them down into the lower income jobs

I don’t know how rigorous the vetting is to be on one of these apps offering services, but I would venture to guess the parents are making assumptions they shouldn’t about it - assuming if the person is on the app they have been vetted (still, wouldn’t you want to interview them?). I’m not a parent but it’s hard

Oh, I thought we liked England because of this.

Saw this on FB today and THOUGHT it was about Ghost in the Shell but maybe it was about this...

That is so disappointing to come from her. Eh, no one’s perfect. GUESS WHAT I’LL STILL VOTE IN MY OWN BEST INTERESTS! What irritates me (as a red stater for my whole life), is like, the policies that are being considered extreme by the Democrats right now just AREN’T. Basically they are what we’ve all been trying to

Also, for anyone feeling kind of iffy about it, Democratic Socialists of America is not a political party - just an organization. So you’re not like, registering as anything or unable to vote in a Democratic primary or anything (only mentioning because I had some personal friends confused about this when they said

(1) liking Nazis and white supremacy (and also anime for some reason?)

I love this. Also Hannity didn’t even both to turn it into his typical nonsense. Like he said “women’s rights” instead of like, “feminist takeover.” I guess it shows how much the right has gotten used to not dog whistling anymore.

I’m in ruby red Louisiana and I don’t really think talking about Trump is as toxic as you say, because people have already decided on Trump. You’re not going to like, talk about healthcare, have a D next to your name but never mention Trump, and be able to swing a Trump supporter to your side. I think FOCUSING on

I should be able to carry a gun into Congress. Just give everyone in Congress a gun. Then we’ll all be very safe.

Yep. I like some commenters over there, and at first, it seemed like they’d be a better, less white/male-centric version of Gawker. But nope.

Agree. Progressivism is change, and change will sell right now. They need to embrace progressivism. In some places it will work better than others, so no one sitting in New York should shit on the Democrat running in bumfuck Louisiana, for example, but we need a massive move left and that’s going to come from strong