The funny thing is, the photo is still readily available. Nothings gets “scrubbed” from the internet.
The funny thing is, the photo is still readily available. Nothings gets “scrubbed” from the internet.
This game is still $15 a month?!? How much is a subscription and do you have to lock in for a year or something?
“Fisher’s best move is likely to “start over,” maybe get on some Michael B Jordan productions or a Spike Lee joint, and work his way back up.”
Very curious what version of Windows you are playing on? Windows 10 (build 2004, major release in May 2020) is widely reported as causing crashes for Forza Horizon 4. Supposedly unplayable with that rev of Windows 10 or later. No patch or fix is available and one reason I didn’t pick the game up on Steam.
The Facebook post has video footage. Per the usual, the fucking morons were dumb enough to video themselves in the act. The police have plenty of evidence right there.
Here, I’ll say it— I watch the occasional Twitch stream (only tournaments or events). Don’t watch individuals because, yep, I don’t get it or the appeal. I’ve never heard of CodeMiko.
I would love to see the PS4 Spider-Man games come to PC.
Unless he pulls a Brady, Rodgers probably won’t even be playing for a lot longer. He has already said publicly that he has considered retirement. He can technically leave his contract with no penalty as of next year. Contract officially expires with the Packers in 2023. I can easily see him being done in the next two…
I missed that part! I still feel out of the loop but thank you.
I feel so old and out of touch every time I see an article like this posted. I’m a gamer that has played a lot of games, obviously come to Kotaku on the reg for gaming news, etc. Then I see that this streamer had over 6 million people watching whatever happened on her stream and then it apparently blew up. I have…
You can’t even find RTX 3000 series cards at reasonable prices as-is. Most of the retailers are always sold out and the only ones you can find are being sold by resellers, on Amazon and the like, for significantly more. I had pretty much already given up getting any sort of a 3000 series card until mid next year at…
Yes. It’s a follow-up to a previous article and can easily be skipped if it’s not for you.
You’re not wrong but it doesn’t make it right.
This should have been about stimulus and nothing else. Everything else should have been in a separate bill that could have been introduced after the holidays.
More like scouting a 6 year old for two years.
How does a game get released on a console in this bad of condition? This isn’t like a PC where you have numerous different potential specifications to test against. You have literally a couple of units that you would need to test again on the PS4 or Xbox side for last gen and then again for current gen.
Doing alpha/beta of games has been around forever (I was doing beta’s for games like StarCraft back in the 90's and later did alpha and beta for WoW) and, quite frankly, no one is forcing anyone to join a beta.
He is just a proud boy and doing what Trump said. Standing tall and stan... Oops. He’s in a wheelchair? My bad.