@beefmalone: In the UK the wrong kind of snow can stop trains not to mention leaves on the line.
@beefmalone: In the UK the wrong kind of snow can stop trains not to mention leaves on the line.
@iolani09: If you think the UK has a chance of creating a train service like Japan's you either don't live here or you're on a lot of medication.
@Faxmonkey: I disagree, simple can be called "default" and if you want to change from default you install another Home app, this is complex (for some) and only people who want complex would do this.
L. Rn Hbbrd cldn't vn wrt gd scnc fctn, hw h mngd rlgn 'll nvr knw.
It stinks, you don't use other badly designed antennas to show yours isn't the only one.
@TheCrudMan: Can you prove it gives better reception than other smart phones ?
Any chance of advice on how to dry/store a REAL 'erb ?
@iamnotafish: A RAV4 for the city ? Americans are crazy !
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Yep Lotus design a good looking body !
@Almightywhacko: How long have you been a hairdresser for ?
@mno.net: My wife got one, great screen and very fast. SE certainly seem to be coming back finally I used to love their Walkman phones.
How about a Segway attachment too so I can whip my phone out and not need to walk to my next appointment.
If the biggest criticism of the software is too many unwanted widgets on the desktop then somebody should just be using a dumb phone.
Or just use
HTC's built in Notes app/widget.
@Faxmonkey: The UI is outdated because you have a homescreen with a grid of icons that you CAN'T CHANGE really geeks like to choose how to use their devices.
@pinshot: "Not happy do not have an iPhone, likely cannot afford an iPhone 4, possibly have poor credit and frequently purchase products made by Motorola"
@OgilvyTheAstronomer: You do realise Google showed both QWERTY and touchscreen versions of Android soon after buying the company ? I know a lot of blogs have been just showing the QWERTY mock ups to back up silly claims.
@Big-Tool: Believe me dropping the iPhone isn't easy but dropping iTunes syncing for automatic unseen internet syncing is a dream come true.