
@orthorim: Nope real geeks build themselves and know just how much money Apple makes off each device and refuses to pay it.

@Joshua Milwer..: You seem to have missed the large glowing Apple logo on the back.

It only looks like that because it's a developer prototype

Whats the point? We're only a few years away from manufactured diamonds being indistinguishable from natural ones, according to the last documentary I watched on the subject a lot of manufactured diamonds are already not being spotted.

@nico768: You didn't know that BECAUSE you have never used an Android phone.

@FlameCell: But what a pair of trousers!

Sounds great for deaf people but I can see if my oven or stove is on it lights up and makes alot of noise.

@Super Happy Hats!: Changing the motherboard can sometimes cause you to phone MS to get reacitvated but if you run a startup repair it works fine, I've done it several times sometimes if you just un-install the mobo driver before the swap you are fine.

@zekedawg00: EM shielding on a PC is top keep EM radiation in not out.

@Dacker: You could just replace the heatsink and fan on the graphics card for under £20 with a much better model from Zalman.

My home built PC has been upgraded for the last 7 years, only 1 of the hard drives is still original but it was all upgraded separately non the less.

@vinod1978: That is their job, after investigating him it was obviously just something said in anger since he has no connections with terrorism.

@vinod1978: Your example has nothing to do with the case.

@noodle: British citizens are not guaranteed freedom of speech, we don't have a bill of rights.

@septiums: Nope a ridiculous abuse of anti-terrorism law that never should have made it to court.

@unknownsock: A typo is a few wrong letters not a wrong word, read before you post you dick.

Wow, I'm sure no-one has thought of that before.

@Channan: You want something you already own, you're deeply confused to say the least. I'd rather watch movies on my 32" HDTV, that's what I bought it for.