
@Dancing Milkcarton: I don't really care what anyone else uses, much like most non-Apple users I just find it hilarious that the cutting edge new antenna Steve spent half the launch boasting about is actually design flaw that gives really poor signal.

@drewbert: Americans seem completely unaware of the video call standard already included in 3G GSM.

"I was pleased when Apple people came out to bring us bottled water."

@tvcity6455: Don't confuse UK trains with European ones, Europe has an amazing public transport system where as in the UK ours is the similar to the US crippled by years of under investment due to oil companies pulling strings to keep the car at the centre of our world.

Our Train system is right where the oil lobby left it after the eighties, in the gutter.

@tyrellcorporation: Let me just point out your logical flaw, people who crucify "Apple lovers" don't "love" Android or any tech company, we all just use products we like, people rip on "Apple lovers" because that kind of brand loyalty reaching cult like proportions is just ridiculous ! Technology is a tool not a

@Destinysface: Windows 7 install base surpassed Mac OS X after a month on release, does that sound like a flop ?

@Hairy Putter: Sent from my iPhone 4 held in my RIGHT hand.

@MrHaroHaro: I doubt he feels anything at all apart from "couldn't they come up with original industrial design instead of always ripping off mine ?"

@kyle4: genius ? you have pretty low standards if you throw genius at someone who designs nice cases and crap antenna.

@Mactopia: After the mountain of over the top Apple love Jesus has posted here I don't think there is anything wrong with criticising a huge mistake the company has made especially when they boasted about the fault as a design feature, and refuse to do anything to fix the situation.

@bobby.tables: IS moving a few folders that much more time consuming than making a custom Windows install disc ?

Chickens are descended from dinosaurs, which laid eggs therefore the egg came before the chicken

It did have a pretty nasty UI before, I don't think the new look is much of an improvement ! Hire a graphic designer already.

"hopefully someone will recognise it's a phone number, and call me to tell me they've found it."

@bobby.tables: In Windows 7 you can just drag all the folders (Music, Documents, Video, Desktop) from your user folder to another drive. The OS knows they have been moved automatically.

@holyspidoo: I agree don't change the directory of your user folder, just drag my Docs, Videos, Music etc. to another drive, Windows 7 knows automatically where they are moved too without editing anything.

@TheOtherHalf: Just keep your OS on the SSD and if you run low on space for applications then install them on a secondary HDD.

@wonsungi: Nope you need to defrag a magnetic disk because to write to the disk the write head needs to move.