Between the grill, b-pillar, and the rear end smashed flatter than a pug’s face without an ounce of the charm, I think the reason this isn’t sold globally is because Toyota’s designers don’t want to get dragged to the Hague.
Between the grill, b-pillar, and the rear end smashed flatter than a pug’s face without an ounce of the charm, I think the reason this isn’t sold globally is because Toyota’s designers don’t want to get dragged to the Hague.
We were actually doing pretty OK on that front post-WWII for like a minute, but then some folks realized that they could get richer if they promoted the idea that any restriction slight slowdown on their hoarding was anti-american communist espionage so
I think “common” should be replaced with “fairly straightforward.” It’s obviously not common-common or you’d see it on every other frame (and it wouldn’t be news).
Someone at the Arnold Whamo-Bamo-Render-o-Matic Company (look I don’t do computer animation but I deal with this stuff for CAD software and renders) is definitely going to check and make sure that Square has a couple of licenses, but since it’s a big well known studio, 99.99% chance is that they do, and everyone at…
It was fun to go hang out in a bar anywhere in Seattle when the “Legion of Boom” was going full steam a few years ago. Whole city was lit up with this big communal thing, the players were actual personalities that were fun to root for, and the team was good...watching since then hasn’t been nearly as fun, and I’ve…
There’s a difference between reposting someone else’s meme...and deliberately seeking out other people’s content to monetize for yourself while actively telling the content creators to fuck off.
History tells us that the answer is “roughly eleven years”
This really should have been featured in Snowpiercer
I’d love to know what they plan to do about it if I’m illegally buried at sea.
I love that this plot was discovered after the kid was investigated for being a dick
You’re looking for rational decision making and logical consistency at a catholic school?
Do we honestly think any of the adults who decked their kids out in MAGASWAGGA and shipped them off to the March for Life have thought that their tribe were not the noble righteous victims beyond reproach for even a single second during any of this
Horse trailer.
Don’t tell me how to live my life
Ruthenium is a suspected carcinogen and its compounds strongly stain the skin.Ruthenium tetroxide (RuO4) is highly toxic.
Fuck the rest of this stuff, you can’t just Capitalize anything you Want.
*screams in designer*
shoot themselves in the foot and vote against their interests just to make the point that they won’t do what they should or what’s expected of them