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    Tripp said he’s still looking for a lawyer and had spent all day Thursday trying to secure one.

    “Just....stop. Please. Please I didn’t ask to be born.”

    Without revealing too much, I work for a (non-car) US manufacturing company, and literally just today I walked out of a meeting where I was informed that the project I’ve spent the last year on is getting tariff-fucked.

    If we stop putting weird sound effects on EVs, I think Darwin’s got this one covered

    I mean...I’m super thrilled about trolling Miller, because fuck that guy. Dude’s a particularly hacky Disney villain with a worse animator. But this was an extremely predictable consequence that I assumed you guys factored in. In fact a...cynical...person might guess that you had some version of this story locked and

    hashtag #dothedangthing

    It depends on your local program. Plastic is shredded and then melted down — some facilities can separate plastics by type (including caps) either before or during that process, and some can’t. More and more are adding the capability, but again—you won’t know, so follow your local instructions (similar story as

    the universal three-thumb hand gesture for CHRYSLER.

    Call me Ishmael. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find

    Tell you what, we’ll give you the next one and you can handle it however you want.

    And doesn’t that just sum it right the fuck up.


    Should have added “science is a massive conspiracy” under Red, too.

    Now playing

    First of all, clearly the official Oval Office ass-kisser called in sick today, and Donnie needed his ego stroked

    There’s a flavor of anti-vax for every political persuasion 

    You know, you’re right. And I think we’re probably revealing a counterproductive quirk of the wannabe-progressive white guys of 2018—we can get so worked up about not being seen as racist/intolerant/unsympathetic that we wind up avoiding the topics entirely. Which probably isn’t that helpful.

    I appreciate your saying that and if we were sitting together in person chatting, I’d agree with you, because we could have a nuanced back and forth and you could roll your eyes and correct me whenever I put my foot in my mouth. But as another white dude over here, I shut the hell up on The Root unless I am very, very