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    I mean, my boss does it, so I’m kind of used to it........ *sobs*

    You’re thinking like a mechanic, not a factory. There isn’t one guy running around bolting on blind spot sensors and another guy running around with wheel options. There’s an assembly line that needs to crank out X cars per hour to stay on target for the month.

    Well, given the choice between spending exponentially more time and money to please you exactly, or just...not...doing that, but pleasing the other 95% (knowing that despite your grumbling, you will eventually cave and buy the same thing that 95% is happy with anyways)...guess what happens?

    We spent $12K

    I was writing a long answer about factory lines and logistics and then my computer blue-screened, but it’s basically this^^.

    I thought it was the “Versus Line” and in that moment it was significantly cooler to me

    At least the cameraperson had the sense to get each sign in frame. Would have been way more frustrating if all we saw was “YOU AREN—” and a very exasperated look from Jenkins.

    Kneejerk (but likely factual) “because money” reaction aside, this whole thing seems like they tried to cover up a minor issue decades ago, then they had to cover up the fallout, then they had to cover up the covering, then they had to silence the next victims, THEN they had to get proactive about covering up

    I suspect this is where those ubiquitous “for qualified customers” caveats sneak their way in

    The most important part was friendship all along

    No one knows what torque is, but this has 144 of them.

    (psst me too)


    I suspect they’re still going as well as ever, but they’re a niche (electric) of a niche (bikes) in the overall transport picture—beyond the Novelty Tech Stories that’ll come out with a major advancement/milestone/new company/etc, I wouldn’t expect much attention outside of focused enthusiast platforms.

    Was trying to play off the title to get at the idea that camping at a rally jump sounds like a great way to get a rally car dropped on your head, but couldn’t distill it down to the right level of pithiness

    [deleted, decided I wasn’t as funny as I thought]

    99% of “car logic” is actually “I wanted it and now I’m going to come up with a ‘practical’ justification for ‘needing’ it.” Applies to everything. See: Trucks, hybrids, etc

    “I was miserable,” one former worker said. “We were all miserable.”

    Others have pointed out the tax thing already (forget about maintenance), but just to stick a hard number on it, it would cost about ~$29K to get a RR Phantom registered in WA (6.5% on ~$440,000 MSRP).