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    As an endless cacophony of caprice and anarchy that must be cleansed?

    This list is incorrect. NO presents:

    The twitter replies are gold

    That worked out OK, all things considered.

    Certain ones do that to me. For most people it’s the aluminum in the antiperspirant—try switching just deodorant (not a combo) if you haven’t already. If not, there’s some “natural/organic” options tucked away on the less obvious shelves that work OK.

    I’m convinced the laundry issue is the silent killer here. I believe that, with enough emphasis on it, you can shame people into a monthly bath before they walk into the con. But I don’t believe for a second that those fuckers have washed their socks and skidmarks in the past six months.

    I will be saying “you look like a fuckass” for the rest of the day

    Can we double back to the sega saturn because that was literally the last think I expected to see here

    Military kid. Grew up on Marine bases. The gulf between these showboating nitwits and people who know what the fuck they’re doing is cataclysmic. And frankly—as a pretty leftward-leaning independent who’s still a “gun owner”—I fucking despise being represented by these morons. (...tho it is a little fun to snub the

    Just to be pedantic: saying you “may” need $X is the same as saying literally nothing.

    Next level: was standing in line at the grocery store. A guy walks in with a giant courier bag (disclaimer, everyone involved with this is a white dude, me included), walks straight to the liquor and wine, and starts stuffing bottles into his bag with apparent glee. I think he was whistling.

    Only if I’m still on the clock. Had restaurant managers who always wanted us to clock out and then clean for two hours, back in The Day. Hell no.

    That’s exactly what a media coverage would say 

    A lot of people here think they’re not racist if they don’t use certain slurs. It’s insane.

    I actually kind-of know a partial answer to your question, if anyone really cares? Or at least I think I do.

    Well, as a generalized typical millennial strawman: I’m thirty (no, we’re not in high school anymore, stop writing those goddamn articles), I graduated with $50K in debt that I spent the bulk of my 20's paying down on a payscale that my corporate overlords pegged in 2008 and haven’t adjusted since, and I can’t find a

    The problem that HD has is that they give their few customers exactly what those few customers want.

    Wait so their master plan to give interns bikes and make them ride around america isn’t working weird
