I see what you mean, but the i8 looks more like a spaceship than a douche-mobile. Love to have one but I wonder what the ownership costs are for those things.
I see what you mean, but the i8 looks more like a spaceship than a douche-mobile. Love to have one but I wonder what the ownership costs are for those things.
This is a very good choice. I think this will still look amazing (and it will be ridiculously expensive to buy due to nostalgia) in 20 years time.
This is an absurd take. The hotels in Vegas are themed hotels that have been there for years; why does Miami need a “theme” fake marina when there’s dozens of them around you at any given point?
I don't get it. What's wrong with these people and cyclists? They're probably the same assholes who block the lane divider in California so those of us who ride motorcycles can't lane split
F*ck this guy up the a%€ with a rusty ax. "Cancel culture" doesn't exist, dickhead
I’m sorry. The G90 is ugly, too.
If you think this BMW looks good, I’ve got beachfront property in Nebraska to sell you for cheap.
What sort of idiot is capable of shooting themselves with an AR-15 by accident? He deserves 50 years just for that.
1.8L, actually
You didn’t explain how this is still somehow the fault of the Integra. Was the Integra driver holding a gun to the head of the Viper moron to force him to race?
Why does the headline say “Nevada Firearm Instructor” when the article says “Arkansas”?
But Jalopnik won’t write a headline article about a BMW having a system failure.
Yur questions are correct: this piece just sounds and reads like someone reaching for their 15 minutes of fame because...if your brakes work, how was your car stuck at 83 mph? And like you said, why would CHP be needed to help you off the highway? Just brake, steer and get off the road.
Chris Rock has been a jerk for years.
Any dealer that even mentions that the “add-ons” can’t be removed, I walk away. I tell every dealer with add-ons, “ Show me where this is part of the standard equipment for the car as soon as it leaves the factory. If the OEM put it on during the build process, it stays; if not, remove it or I’m not paying for it.”
That dude probably got plastic surgery to hide his identity till the end of time.
No way am I going to cross the border. Getting back is a nightmare and we live literally 5 minutes from it.
Id say false imprisonment, actually
Say it with me: DRAG.