Craig Scarborough has speculated that Mercedes is running their engines in a low power mode for all teams
Craig Scarborough has speculated that Mercedes is running their engines in a low power mode for all teams
Dude, drove past that one the other day heading to the 5 on MoC way. That location completely jacks up that exit’s traffic. We watched it and we wondered what the hell was going on and then we realized it was the In-N-Out there.
Another horribly over-rated fast food joint. My wife heard about the place from one of her coworkers who raved like mad about the place (along with this Chinese place that was awful), and bugged the shit out of me to go to one. I told her I tried it in Virginia, and I wasn’t impressed at all. But my wife was all FOMO…
They should do the same with In-N-Out burger joints everywhere in SoCal: every single one is absolutely chock-full of cars with people desperate to eat a below average burger, and the lines make traffic horrendous around each one.
My thoughts exactly. How did the Altima, Patron Saint of the Worst drivers Ever, not end up on this list.
It’s funny that the Tacoma is on this list because, purely anecdotally from me in SoCal, I see a lot more of these trucks either
The oil companies have the leases for oil exploration, they just refuse to use them. Better to gouge the prices than spend the money to explore.
Low yield strike at key Russian command and control nodes, or ASAT hits on Russian C4ISR satellites.
I was always a big Senna fan when I was younger, and viewed Prost as the wily supervillain when they were at McLaren together and then when Prost moved to Ferrari And Williams. But during that entire time, I absolutely knew that Prost was certainly Senna’s equal, and DARE I SAY IT...even better than Senna.
Semone who paid that much is an idiot
What probably got them caught was the carpool lane crap, because if they actually did enforce the carpool lanes, CALIFORNIA WOULD BE RICH BEYOND THE DREAMS OF EVEREST!
You really do want to show
I really, really need a Max fan to explain to me how in the world he had “the worst luck” when:
That’s the dumbest reason in the world to dump the credibility of your sport by having someone make up rules in the middle of an actual race just to make it exciting.
Yeah, this guy saying he likes the "in your face looks" of the 300 tells me he's got serious ego and obnoxious issues to deal with and the 300 is just an extension of that.
I can understand trading a Tesla for a Mach-E, but a Tesla for a Chrysler 300? This dude is someone I can sell beachfront property in Arizona to and he’d go all in.
But it wasn’t the Raptor drivers’ fiduciary duty to issue said “payback."
Brake checking is illegal. Raptor isn't highway patrol; not his job to police the left lane. He should be ticketed as well for unsafe driving
Agreed. Racer.wong is more like racer.wrong. Cheering for that means it's going to come back on ya pretty hard
This is completely shady by both Honda and Red Bull, because they whole point of moving up the engine freeze date was to”assist Red Bull” in getting their RB Power trains running. They made all sorts of public announcements that RB was or had purchased all of Honda’s IP to build the engines themselves, and it would…