Neutral Shoes

Bubble boy was clearly his darkest role.

37 now but about 10 years ago I had a guy ask. Had just met at a bar and had been flirting and chatting for a while. Bars are loud and conversations tend to be a bit shouty - so he leaned in and in a normal speaking voice said, “can I kiss you?”. Our body language suggested that clearly we were into each other and

“I do not believe a child is misguided enough to interpret what is happening to a dog that talks as something that could possibly be happening to them”

Bandalettes ftw!! I much prefer the fabric that is bathing suit material more than the lace. I’m a very sweaty person and they are magical. Even wore them under my wedding dress. Used body glide for some running events and it works in that setting. But it’s not something I want to wear on a regular basis.

Ah yes. By a certain age you should definitely have the “stick to your own race” conversation, in general, with your kids.

Burn it to the ground, Aly!!

Yes and no. I think the wording you ( or Texas) used is misleading. There are only a certain amount of days that an egg will live and a certain amount more that sperm will, either before or after ovulation... So there are only a handful of days you can get pregnant. However, your cycle could be off at any time. This

Even charting everything ( basal temp, mucus, ferning, etc.) it’s still impossible to tell for sure even if you are being monitored by a doctor... Let alone an app!!

Even charting everything ( basal temp, mucus, ferning, etc.) it’s still impossible to tell for sure even if you are being monitored by a doctor... Let alone an app!!

Trump declaring that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel...

Let’s not forget about Denise Richards deposition in their divorce.

I don’t think I’d go near as far as to call this slave labor (based solely on the information above.) $12 a day is very near, if not slightly higher than the minimum wage in Brazil.

Wasn’t Philippa Langley’s entire crusade to find King Richard in the first place to prove one and for all that Shakespeare’s depiction of him as a grotesque hunchback was nothing more than slander?

At least she had better table manners than Howie Mandel.

In case anyone got overly sidetracked by Trump and the Republican’s smokescreen, the following bills HAVE been introduced:

Nothing deflects attention from illegal Russian interactions quite like a Muslim ban. Amirite?

In a similar vein as ‘Philomena,’ I highly recommend watching the movie ‘Oranges and Sunshine.’ A true story that sheds light on the Brits migration of over 130,000 poor children, stolen from their families and told they were dead. Then shipped to commonwealth countries, mostly Australia, for profit, where they

“Trump calls his own shots, “ except for the MMR since everyone knows that one causes autism. Sad!

A former sex buddy of mine accidentally did this to his ex. While enjoying some casual grown-up bedroom activities, I suggested switching to doggie style. He adamantly refused.

North Carolinian here. Since the current sitting governor (Mccrory) has himself professed the election results to be fraudulent, I believe that is enough for our US congressman to have NC’s 15 electoral votes for Trump to be tossed. I think Senator (you only need one) Nancy Pelosi would sign if NC congressman