
And that’s another awful part of all this. Where’s the support for you? You’re not a baby-producing cog in an adoption machine. (Hell, other countries are closing their adoption processes to Americans, who basically swoop in, point and say “I want that one” like it’s a baby store, and then run off with the kid without

A wild Libertarian appears!

They never can quite hide the heart of it, can they? It starts with giggling babies and rainbows, but the end is never anything but good old-fashioned misogyny.

new-born *healthy, white* babies.

All of the herbal methods are just a delicate balance of poisoning your body just enough to get it to abort the pregnancy, but not so much that you’re permanently damaged or die. It is a thin, thin line, and it’s impossible to know the dose you’re actually getting.

A friend told me of his years in Catholic private school. He said going to forced-birth rallies was a day off school, and if you didn’t go you got extra work. So yeah, probably a lot of them are not that into it.

Y’know, maybe your inability to see women as individuals rather than a monolith is why you fail this conversation.

You’re a lovely example of Lewis’s law: the comments on any article about feminism justify feminism. Whiny child can’t accept a woman arguing with him on the internet, therefore ALL WOMEN EVIL NO HIRE. If you’re that big of a baby, you don’t deserve your position.

Because that’s always something people have time to do, when they’re holding up the line at the pharmacy counter. Mine are cool and usually stick a note saying “this is the same drug we promise!” but who’s to know if it’s not?

Internet rage, haha. Oh, sweetie. Quick hint - they’re faking it.

Haha, you think guys learn to be good at sex. You’re funny.

30 women? Eww, you dirty skank. Why do you abuse “good women” with your attention when you’re such used-up trash yourself?

No kidding. Every few months one of my prescriptions will switch to a cheaper generic, so I’ll have white round pills instead of peach square ones or something like that. I just got used to the fact that my meds are gonna look different sometimes; it’s nothing out of the ordinary.

That’s when he went East and trained as a kung fu master.

My mom’s been a nurse (in the US) for a long time... ER until her rheumatoid arthritis got bad enough, and then school nursing. She’s pretty disabled at this point and is planning to retire after this year, but she says, “I just have to be able to get down to do CPR. They never said I had to be able to get back up.”

Perhaps you have no soul, but nobody makes it through a PhD or an MD without crying. (Maybe a few make it through the JD... but again, souls.)

Dear lord, you must not have any post-grad education. Crying is practically mandatory.

Indeed. We celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day at my place of work (a university with a high % of such). This year they sold t-shirts proclaiming “Party Like It’s 1491.”

I would have said that until I had to plan a wedding. =/ We did it absolutely cut-rate, self-catered, off-the-rack department store dress, and it was still close to $10k.

If I could afford to check a bag, I might not have had this problem. =)