
Indeed. He’s already doing a great job of ruining their marriage.


Long-lost sister!


“if you fit into their particular culture”

noooooo I was all ready to say “all right husband, it’s time, as soon as that stick has two lines let’s schedule a C-section” but nooooooooooooooooooo

*jedi hugs*

I am so sorry you had to go through that. =/ better not tell the authorities

How much greater of a power gap can there even exist beyond that between the Representative of God on Earth and a child?

Indeed. My ring is amethyst, his is garnet. They are gorgeous and we love them. Our wedding bands were shockingly expensive to me (about $1200 - they’re meteorite!!) and the comment before this one is all about how to insure your $20,000 engagement ring and I am just... that’s the down payment on the house I want. =/

Can you get it melted and reset? I tutored for a woman once who took her engagement and wedding rings and had them made into a gorgeous pendant. I don’t remember the shape but it was something powerful for her.

Tell that to the conductor. Our marching band was intense. (I’m 15 years out of high school, but I still remember all that work.) Fall semester had early-morning practice starting around sunrise, sectionals after school 3-4:30, Thursday night practices for two hours, four hours at football games Friday nights (had to

Yeah, and it’s pretty central to the plot so hard to just skip over. =/

Maybe Jacqueline Carey? The Kushiel’s Legacy series is set in an alt-history Europe. The protagonist is an anguisette, a person who feels pleasure in pain, so she is trained as basically a professional sub for political purposes. So there’s a shitton of really detailed BDSM, which (iirc) until a particularly horrific

A Cap in the streets but a Loki in the sheets. ;)

Didn’t she *ask* to sit on the bench, so her team could play, and they said no?

Did you catch <i>Lightspeed</i>‘s “Women Destroy Science Fiction” issue? =D

The flusterment! I have an ambiguous-masculine-spelled first name and a common male first name as a last name. Not only are people flustered, they apologize. Profusely. As if making a logical assumption about my gender is like THE MOST INSULTING thing they could ever have said to me. I don’t get it.

It’s the drug of last resort for stuff like narcolepsy. There is talk of moving it to Schedule I (completely illegal) because there are now better drugs and... because meth.