
My stepdad was. He kept his people in line... wouldn’t let them even accept free meals at restaurants while on duty. Wouldn’t let officers’ family members weasel out of speeding tickets... even my sister, lol. Came down hard on abuses of power. He was getting ready to retire and go teach at the academy to pass on

I DIY’d a lot of mine (it was a couple of weeks ago too!). I put so much work into these gorgeous origami centerpieces, and then nobody put out the centerpieces. Made gallons of delicious sangria, and then we got two inches of rain that day and it was cold and nobody wanted it. (And 20 people who RSVPd yes refused to

(this is like a million years late but) PETA and Roman Polanski.

This is my bag too. I teach at a liberal arts college, and we talk about internal and external locus of control. It’s easy to get caught up in how GREAT it is to have an internal LOC, to be the master of your own destiny, it’s so good for your stress lelvels, blah blah blah... and forget that the fewer resources you

What is WITH these folks touting vinegar or lemon juice to make the body more alkaline? They’re ACIDS. I guess it’s sexier than chomping Tums all day.

Lots of people carry H. pylori without ever getting an ulcer. Biology loads the gun; environment pulls the trigger.

Same with the insulin resistance. Constant stress -> high cortisol -> fucked up insulin regulation. It doesn’t even take that long to happen. And if stress is screwing up your sleep, you can have insulin

Perhaps stop digging your hole and admit you don’t know shit about what you’re talking about. Maybe go to college or something. ;)

I’m 33 and my bachelorette is tomorrow night. My man of honor is being secretive about plans, but I am fairly sure there will be drunk laser tag. Friends from all over the country, great Belgian brews, and lasers. How much more could a girl ask for? =)

Hit ‘Em Up Style by Blu Cantrell.

I’m sure there are a few who know what they’re doing, and actually practice in such a manner that emergency intervention is close at hand. (and not like “let’s call an ambulance” close at hand.) I am a fan of certified nurse midwives... they have the equivalent of a Master’s degree in their specific practice. Far more

ugh, for the third time... the US does not have a worse infant mortality rate. They just count extremely premature births where the baby only lives a few days as live births, and other countries count them as miscarriages.

“natural “hippie” methods end up having better outcomes for mother and baby.”
Have you considered that MAYBE high-risk births have more medical intervention? That’s like saying charter schools have better success rates than public schools... because charter schools can toss out the special-needs kids to make their

It’s only because the US labels neonatal mortality differently - they’re counting the extremely premature babies who only live for a day or two, while other countries count those as miscarriages.……
But midwives know everything, huh? You realize just about anyone in the US can call themselves a midwife? The only real trained professionals are Certified Nurse Midwives, and they usually have a setup with *gasp* a hospital!

You have to split out what various countries mean by infant mortality. The US counts very premature live births as infants, and other countries don’t. Those very preemie babies account for most neonatal mortality (from birth to 28 days old).

It goes back ever further than that... there are plenty of stories in religious texts of women who were punished by having their hair cut. It’s a very public marker of being a “fallen woman.” Then we’re told “a woman’s hair is her glory” and “no man finds short hair attractive” and shit like that.

Spanking taught me the exact opposite... that adults maintain their higher status by force, and not by deserving it. I recall lots of times I had no idea what I had done, so now I’m just hypervigilant to other people’s moods and terrified of pissing them off, even at age 33.

Yikes. I just got one fang puncture into the wrist (she was playing; I was stupid) and twelve hours later the infection was streaking up my arm. Hooray for Augmentin - outpatient!

Hydrogen peroxide damages the tissue and makes it *more* permeable to pathogen. And it heals a little slower.

Yes! I’ve been part of a thing called Naked Wines for a while... it’s one of those services where you put in some set amount of money per month and use that account to buy from - you get a good price on wine, they get a sure income. Minnesota restricts wine delivery to two cases per person per calendar year, but it’s