
Nah, that's legit. it's like... so it's common for someone to say "I like all music except for country and rap." Well, is that because you've never been expose but you're willing to try? Cool. Do you object to the common themes of the genres? Cool. Or do you just consider those genres markers of lower class status?

Nothing like cohabitation to move an annoying habit into Bitch Eating Crackers territory.

Wait, that's not normal??

That is my biggest fear about pregnancy. Not the actual birth, but all the blood draws. How did you manage it?? I usually get drunk but that's out.

You poor, sad little person you.

Women pee all over the seat, too, so those side-eyers have nothing to complain about. #wipeafteryouhover #youwontgetassherpesifyousit

Yup! Adrenaline kicks in fast and reduces appetite. Cortisol takes a little longer to kick in, about 30-45min, and that will increase appetite once the adrenaline wears off.

Uhhh these warnings go out on broadcast TV, too, and on the radio. And sirens, if you're in an area that has them.

They can replay the stupid match later. Running a tiny warning in the corner of the TV screen is not nearly enough - see Joplin in May 2011, where, according to NOAA, warnings "lacked enhanced wording to accurately portray that immediate action was necessary to save lives with this tornado." People were slow to seek

They can replay the stupid match later. Running a tiny warning in the corner of the TV screen is not nearly enough - see Joplin in May 2011, where, according to NOAA, warnings "lacked enhanced wording to accurately portray that immediate action was necessary to save lives with this tornado." People were slow to seek

Ugh, been there, except it was a ruptured ovarian cyst bleeding into my abdomen.

I just negotiated my first tenure-track job... for $57k.

There are so many bad online dating stories, but honestly, I think it's an introvert's best friend. You can sit and read and analyze and compose the perfect message! This is how socially-awkward Neuroturtle met socially-awkward Ecofrog - a match made in awkward heaven.

I'm a fan of How the Immune System Works by Lauren Sompayrac. And seconding Kuby over Janeway for a textbook.

Yes, yes yes yes. There was an outbreak while I was in grad school. Half the campus got sick, and Student Health had no idea what to do about it. (Seriously, they were so at a loss that they were just handing out "sick kits" with Tylenol, cough drops, and chicken soup packets to anyone that came in with cough.) But

Drinking Schlafly provides the extra tingle that comes from pissing off Phyllis Schlafly.

One of the lesser Mean Girls to DC's Queen Bee.

80% of cat bites become infected. (she says as she finishes her course of Augmentin.) If you let hand or face bites go too long, you can end up needing surgery to remove dead tissue from a deep infection.

Baltimore area is nice... Baltimore itself less so. It does have its high points, but it is most decidedly not clean. I honestly think that's why people like it... it's like DC's rebellious younger sister. DC went to GWU for law and has a high-powered job at Wolfram and Hart; Baltimore dropped out of art school

Natty Boh isn't even brewed in Baltimore anymore, but for some reason it's still some local pride thing. I grew up in St. Louis in the pre-microbrew (i.e. all-Bud) era, and *I* think that shit is nasty. There's a reason it's so cheap. =P