
Uggghhh sputum is the MOST disgusting thing ever. I've worked at an inpatient clinic; dipsticking pee (and one time that woman who peed on me), fecal occult blood testing, blood, no problem. But when I was testing saliva samples in grad school, I had to hold my breath, peek to aim the pipetter, turn away, gag,

Purple turtlenecks.
A while back I decided I had to branch out... now I have some new blue turtlenecks. sigh

That red-purple-pink pair on the bottom left are on my feet at this very moment. Sooooooo soooffftt

Yup. You can pry my adolescent Anne McCaffrey collection from my cold dead arms.

If you live in Baltimore or roundabouts, consider The Book Thing.
All the books are free and you can take as many as you want... so don't go inside. Drop your books and run!

We'll start in St. Charles and work our way to rural BF Nowhere. Step One: we need a drunk bus!

I like them for a glass or two, but they're so sweet it's a hangover in a bottle.

I like them for a glass or two, but they're so sweet it's a hangover in a bottle.

Oh god, that's why reds make my face hurt!
You have changed my world.

Mmm, Catawba. I applaud your cause and will raise many a glass to support it. =)

omg where did you get this gif I NEED MORE

February represent! Mine's the 3rd.
I managed to avoid the split Christmas/birthday though, because my parents were divorced. Neither wanted the other to win Christmas.
...ending up in therapy was totally worth it.

February represent! Mine's the 3rd.
I managed to avoid the split Christmas/birthday though, because my parents were divorced. Neither wanted the other to win Christmas.
...ending up in therapy was totally worth it.

February represent! Mine's the 3rd.
I managed to avoid the split Christmas/birthday though, because my parents were divorced. Neither wanted the other to win Christmas.
...ending up in therapy was totally worth it.

It is just mostly misery.

Love this. We celebrate all the other huge life events with things we usually *don't* need. Let's celebrate this one with things they do!

My vote is for Hiddleston, but I wouldn't not have sex with Levine if the opportunity arose. Just sayin'.

He doesn't have to *talk.* ;)
...just do that hip thing he does at concerts. maybe with no clothes. That'd be okay.

My therapist recommended a similar method to an ex and I. A silly phrase to distract from the anger and signal time-out. (Ours was "doughnut break.")
Mostly it didn't work because he agreed to it and then refused to let *me* ever call a break. =/