
Meh, that whole thing turned into a rant when I really am just kind of tired. The internet has connexted us but has also made reactions to things far more extreme. We as a society have moved further and further into extremes and hyperbole, Black Panther could have been incredible AND unapologetically black, like the

Because I’m exhausted. The internet plays up cool looking things to the point that its tiring. Black Panther was good, but nowhere near the greatness of the character I’ve loved for years, but because the movie was “woke” its “the best thing ever” instead of just a fun time at the movies that gets diversity right for

That episode was sure prescient...And probably the darkest the show has ever gotten, and this show gets dark very often

I really wish they had played up the comic rivalry between the character and Bojack more, usually the show ups the ante more than they did with this one, and I was absolutely loving the Mel Gibson analogue and Bojack getting into a feud over who is a bigger asshole.

Sigh...sometimes I forget that most people don’t know what a Skrull even is, and that they’re shapeshifters who invade civilizations by impersonating the populace. Though that must have been a serious WTF moment for everyone who has no idea.

Don’t forget Sam Fisher

There’s also Rondo Of Blood for The PC Engine, but not as many folk have played that one, Symphony is it’s direct sequel

I find it bizarre how you keep shitting on Lords Of Shadow, the first was superb, even if the follow ups were a complete mess. What other game lets you punch the ever living shit out of Lucifer as an end boss? Or a twist ending that you were playing as Dracula the whole time?

The more I hear about this fucking movie the more it sounds like a fan film that just happens to be getting made by an actual studio. Like a fan film it has some interesting ideas, will probably be reasonably entertaining to half watch on a Sunday afternoon, but is very clearly not something you would ever expect

I can totally see him falling under the Jack Harkness version of pansexuality, in that he is at the very least tangentially sexually interested in anything with a pulse.

I refuse to believe that Ron would ever work anywhere near Dennis Feinstein if he could help it, so this whole safe enterprise was probably a hail Mary play to save the city at Leslie's behest. With Ron begrudgingly accepting because his beloved National Park job was being threatened for all the mocking tweets he

The names in Star Wars have never been subtle.

I agree that it's harmless, which was the intent of my post, I took pretty much all the bits people are upset with with a grain of salt because I figured they were left in from the Lord and Miller version but without anyone involved with the cut they released understanding the intended irony behind it. I can

My 6 year old kid also dug it, and I went in with expectations as low as bedrock, so it didn’t piss me off and it was actually a reasonably entertaining experience

The cool black guy is down to get busy with any and all sexy ladies. Keeping in mind they live in a universe where there are likely species for which gender does not exist. So yes, being sexually active in Star Wars and being willing to get it on with alien races WOULD be pansexual

There are so fucking many little things like that in the movie (The reference to the fucking holiday special, terras kasi) that I pretty much took for granted that they were grandfathered in from Lord and Miller’s version where they were played as smartass meta-gags, but we're played straight because Howard was

Inescapable? Part of the songs appeal to me was always that it's as good as any song that's likely to get overplayed but it remarkably wasn't used to death. Inescapable would be something like Gary Jules' cover of Mad World.

And it's silly to expect a fantasy game to take that kind of history into account, I'm not arguing against those things existing or arguing against the casting. I'm arguing against the assertion that a game is problematic simply for featuring a predominantly white cast when it was made in Poland.

This would actually be truer to The Joker than I think you all realize. The character in his best depictions sees himself as the only true friend Batman has, and that it's his job to make him the best he can be. As a result Joker is often deeply hurt or disappointed by Batman.

*Current AV Club Writers