
My favorite story about something like that was how when filming Taxi Driver, the rig they had for the cab scenes was so big and cumbersome that Scorsese had to have his sound technician lie down in the trunk while he and his DP huddled in the cab out of view of the camera

This movie always struck me as more clever in premise than in execution, being an official Disney product kept the satirical potential to an almost shocking minimum, with the jokes coming across as toothless and eventually non-existent when the movie seems to decide it's tired of mocking the material 45 minutes in and

Well, they did make up for it with Frozen

I’m getting really goddamn tired of people not recognizing how transgressive and forward thinking those movies actually were, especially compared to Disney’s prior output, starting with Little Mermaid great pains were taken to push the gender politics of the traditional Disney styled story forward while also

I think you have Terry Gilliam confused with Davos Seaworth

I dunno, The Fisher King is one of the most life affirming films I've ever seen, I would argue it's an underrated masterpiece, the rest of his stuff I'll probably give you though, as fun as stuff like Time Bandits  or Baron Munchausen and all the other darker ones are, they never quite reach more than lovable cult

*Ninja removes mask, revealing himself to have been Billy Mitchell all along*

If his marriage is that fucking rocky to begin with then he probably doesn't have any business being married if he can't be in the same room with a woman in a professional capacity without his wife leaving him because she thinks he's cheating. Your argument doesn't check out.

Voted weeks ago by mail in, but I appreciate the sentiment! :D

Hey, its worked for our current president

What in the name of fucking shit even is this review? You bring up a modern event with only a tangential relation to that in the film (Or are you seriously equating an affair between consenting adults to a violent sexual assault?) Then go on to just describe the film for the rest of the review, what the fuck happened

That thing with the bodies is actually the cover to issue 100 of the comic, I have a poster of it.

That House finale was great and I won’t hear a bad word about it. They wrapped up the character beautifully after 8 seasons of him declaring constantly with absolute certainty and resignation that “People don’t change” with a single line that even though everything is fucked up, that his life is a series of misery and

Its real! It's called Elephant Men!

It was basically Royal Tenenbaums mixed with Doom Patrol. I loved it and felt it had more heart than much of the Grant Morrison penned works it very clearly took inspiration from. I’m overjoyed that Way and Ba are finally bringing the series back after ten years with the long teased “Hotel Oblivion” arc.

They aren't rankings, they're numbers given in place of a name because Hargreeves didn't see them as human beings

Took you fuckers long enough, his death was reported yesterday morning

Tom Jane was the best Punisher, but was stuck in a poor movie, best Punisher is probably War Zone, just because it gets pretty much everything right, even if Jane is probably the best Punisher. Bernthal is DD season 2's depiction of the character was frustrating as a huge fan of the character, and it only

That is a poor take IMO. However it is an opinion, Champloo and Bebop feature similar overarching structures and premises (a group of three main protagonists adventuring through a bizarre setting that features a mixture of genres, similar to “Bebop” in Jazz terms or “Champloo” in terms of the Okanawan dish it’s named

Um, because it is better, they took literally everything they learned from making Breaking Bad and used it to craft a much tighter show with more rewarding storytelling. It's the same way that Samurai Champloo is better than Cowboy Bebop.