
Fuck Supreme Intelligence, I want Herzog for the Xandarian Worldmind popping up in an after credits scene in Captain Marvel. There was a quick throwaway line in Infinity War about Xandar being destroyed. Xandar was also destroyed in the Annihilation arc that eventually led to the iteration of the Guardians of the

Nobodies giving Mario shit for all of its humanoid characters being white, the show being more diverse is great, and as it will feature actual physical actors makes sense, you want to have a more diverse talent pool whereas in a game you’re just casting VO and maybe mocap roles, but casting shade at the game for being

Also, I know this is splitting hairs, but Geralt by design has more than a single Horse, its actually a running joke that he just calls all of his horses Roach

The Witcher is a fantasy game and series set in a specifically European ie super fucking pale area. It’s creator was Polish and the developer of the games is based in Warsaw, I’m not against the show moving away from that and creating it’s own more diverse version of that world, but acting like the games were somehow

This ignores interviews that led up to season one when Gaiman literally said that he understands that the Television show has to be different and changes have to be made, and that there was only one scene that he drew a line in the sand about, and it was the protagonist getting felatio from a grieving woman who admits

Wow, that was kind of insane how you just randomly threw Gaiman under the bus in that last paragraph, even after writing that the source of him butting heads with Fuller and Green was deviating to an extreme degree you decided to imply that that meant he wanted a bland and straightforward adaptation done on the cheap?

Apparently Witwer voiced him in the cartoons, so has actually voiced the character for longer. Also Serafinowicz probably couldn't be bothered, he's too busy being The Tick

Nah, a C from Dowd is usually a B to B+ from anyone else, this is probably going to be one of the higher quality horror films of the year

I always saw Jerry as Ricks greatest nemesis, because at the end of the day Jerry was always right to not trust Rick and to constantly try to tell his family that Rick was a bad influence on them. Jerry’s worldview is also the other side of the coin to Rick’s, like Rick, Jerry recognizes that he's a meaningless speck

It was still fucking tedious and obnoxious, and the humor suffered for it, it just felt like a series of repeating what anyone with half a brain already knew, that he is toxic and he brings down everyone around him with his behavior, we didn’t need it hammered into us for 8 episodes out of the 10 episode season.

Such a shitty episode to finally win for though. Like, Season 3 as a WHOLE is pretty great, but after the premier the show is basically a long slog through complete fucking misery and Rock's inherent toxicity and how it affects the people stupid enough to get close to him. The season doesn't redeem itself until the

Well, in a sense it is, they did a good job of placing the specials into something resembling a correct reading order, that one shot however in the overall story is meant to be seen as an extended flashback, as it sets up much of the New Orleans arc, even having Cass first meet the woman who is missing an eye and

Monica Rambeau is gonna be in it?!?! Fuck yes!!!

For sure, was saying that with tongue firmly in cheek, might be a fun bluray extra later though, I'm sure the internet would enjoy it at least, in the same way it enjoyed watching Justin Bieber get gunned down on CSI. Or even how years and years before that it became even funnier to see Nordberg get repeatedly injured

Well, yes, but then I’d also like to bring up writer Garth Ennis’ Punisher Max run, which many meatheaded sociopaths read and think is fucking awesome and completely miss what Ennis was doing with the series because of the prejudices those readers brought to the book. The Punisher guns down people of all races and

Baba Yaga is a fucking centuries old witch who flies around in a mortar with a pestle in hand who lives in a house built on chicken legs and devours/aids children. Your argument in that regard therefore is kind of ludicrous and I found that aspect of those films to be fucking hilarious.

Ithink the most important thing here though, is that even their shitty films were based on wholly new screenplays, not based on anything that already existed. Even if they were all awful that's something to be celebrated in our harsh modern filmmaking landscape, in which basically everything is based on something that

Yeah, but if the scene then ends with that character being violently murdered by The Predator, that would kind’ve made it a wash wouldn’t it?

Why do people keep talking about the original like its some kind of masterclass in horror and suspense? Its a popcorn movie through and through and is an absolute blast, this one looks like it’ll be more of that

Look, I’m all for shitting on Adrien Brody, but the cleverest part of Predators was that the people that were grabbed weren’t necessarily a bunch of action hero badasses, they were killers from vastly different backgrounds and walks of life, one even ends up secretly being a serial killer. Brody’s character comes