
Tim Allen used to be like Buzz Lightyear, a big loveable doofus who wasnt funny but was amicable enough, now he’s more like the other Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story 2 who never accepted reality, he’s still a doofus and not funny, but now he’s also delusional.

Untrue, he has given out at least two A's, which forced him to remove an A each from his own name. He was born A.A.A.A. Dowd.

I guarantee most of the women directed films are gonna end up being indie sleepers for that very reason, which is likely what leads to them being passed over, its like a big Ororoborous of sexist hiring practices leading into lower exposure in Hollywood than anything necessarily related to male critics hating movies

Oh, I’m not mad at him, just very very much hating the “game” that the “player” is a part of. Way back on Lewis Black’s Root of All Evil show, one of the comedians was arguing against Youtube, and he said something to the effect of “we’ve gone from a society that acts, to a society that watches and records” and I feel

Performance art?

Eh, so was humanity

Agreed on all points actually :D

It’s a readily available phone number that you could find easily with that great big internet and anyone can call, maybe he should have gotten ahold of them and made sure they were aware of the situation and could help those kids before posting a video about it and clogging up CPS’ (a criminally underfunded, and under

Probably, but he wouldn’t be getting rewarded by YouTube for it. You’re completely right that the platforms have led to some great things, but the companies controlling them need to do a better job than they have been when it comes to policing things like this, there’s absolutely no way this guy should have been able

I don’t know who that is, I’m sure he’s a Youtuber, but was he the one who personally contacted CPS on these people or did he just make videos where he complained about it, because one of those is generally considered being helpful and doing the right thing, the other is just yelling into a void and getting paid to do

It really is like one of those “You had one job!” memes, like not only is he almost immediately back to abusing his children, but he’s also videotaping it and releasing it to the public, he might as well have just turned himself in to the cops and admitted to violating his probation.

Remember back when stuff like Facebook and Youtube and Twitter all seemed like this wonderful new set of platforms that would enrich our lives and tie us as a species together in new and exciting ways as we exchanged ideas freely? How long was it before that went completely in the opposite direction and just started fe

That kind of reads like somebody who has had people close to him get sexually assaulted, only for the perpetrators to go free because the cops didn’t have any probable cause or evidence. Like, he said it in the absolute worst way, but it’s an understandable frustration to have, we do need to educate and arm women with

If Klasky Csupo is hellbent on reviving their old shows, why not just make the one people actually want: Duckman. Well, ok maybe people arent clamoring for a Duckman revival, but its the best thing Klasky Csupo ever made, and Jason Alexander would probably be down, what is he doing these days even? Working at a gas

I think he means the seasons after the first movie

And Hunter was all about the truth, he came from an older, grittier field of writers, guys for whom the stuff they wrote was a reflection of themselves and their world, and they’d be damned if someone was going to try to infringe on that writing in some moronic way. Harlan Ellison was similar, and theres numerous

Thats definitely how the Microverse works in the comics (I refuse to call it The Quantum Realm, because it's the goddamn Microverse and it's not like that's any sillier of a name than "The Quantum Realm")

Oh god, please let Marvel rip off Grant Morrison's scene where Green Arrow and The Atom kill Darkseid but with Hawkeye and Scott killing Thanos by shrinking down to quantum scale and giving him a stroke.

This pissed off Hunter S. Thompson to no end, he had dozens of quotes about his anger towards editors telling him his journalism pieces were opinion pieces, and hes just like: "Thats what journalism is! Theres no such thing as full objectivity in journalism!"

From what I remember there was no cure for being a deadite though, which was why Ash has pretty much always killed them, I know they performed an exorcism in Vs The Evil Dead, but that was to exercise a demon, not a deadite.