
Too many current monthly titles to name, so I’ll single out my current full series binge, Remender, Moore and Opena’s Fear Agent. It’s very rough around the edges writing wise as Rick is clearly still learning the ropes but the art is superb throughout and the whole thing just oozes love and affection for the medium

Which actually featured Coipel on art duties!

Yes I hear you, Clem Fandango.

No. No. No.

Cowboys and Aliens was a fun popcorn film.

Yeah, but he’s a straight white man with his foot in the door in Hollywood, he can ONLY fail upward!

I completely forgot that “The Sopranos meets“ is a synonym for the word “Adult”. Glad you’re around to remind us of that so we can all learn how to read correctly.

Dude, really? Come on Abnett and Lanning are fucking legends in modern comics! There wouldn’t have been a Guardians of the Galaxy movie without their 2000's cosmic run of books. :D

Got to hear John Totleben and Steve Bissette’s story about their part in the creation of the character during a panel at a con a few years back. Apparently the two, while sharing art duties on Swamp Thing had devised a game in which they would hide pictures in panels for the other to find, which became increasingly

The real Constantine died with Hellblazer, anything else regardless of quality hasn’t had the stones of the real John. The actual John Constantine is still stuck in the old Vertigo universe, sitting in the corner of a pub somewhere telling stories and conning people out of pocket change over fixed games of dice on the

Well, this just makes me even happier that I preordered the thing about a month ago when it first went up on Amazon.

A lot of the NES’ success is due to smart marketing on the part of Nintendo of America, as video games didn’t really go anywhere over in Japan like they had here after the crash. There’s a lot of great stories out there about the small, scrappy team who were put in charge of making the thing a success stateside. I

Wasn’t singing his praises or anything, was just saying that ripping into shitty licensed games, specifically shitty licensed NES games is basically his entire thing, and has given him enough ammunition for hours worth of content despite him also moving to other consoles in the years since he started.

Counterpoint, plenty of licensed games were garbage too, The Angry Video Game nerd has basically cultivated his entire career out of it.

Can that just be what we call Norman Reedus now? Just preface every mention of him with “sci fi baby deliveryman”? 

Also what are you talking about? Tideland is great, and despite being extremely fucked up has a fairly optimistic ending, especially compared to 12 Monkeys and Brazil.

Eh, they’re probably his biggest commercial successes, but also note that I called them cynical and polarizing, not bad. Gilliam kind of has two modes as a filmmaker, whimsical and deeply pessimistic, his most crowd pleasing work has some combination of the two whereas his more polarizing work leans heavily into the

You’re judging him based on two of his most polarizing, cynical films? Go watch yourself some Time Bandits and The Fisher King, stat!

Posted by someone calling themselves “TG19BrancoSucks”?

Are you fucking kidding me?! It’s almost like those French bastards just had a meeting where they brainstormed how they could make things harder on Terry Gilliam. Fuck!