All you’re doing is making me hate him more, League of Legends is garbage
All you’re doing is making me hate him more, League of Legends is garbage
Examples? Citations? You can say he accomplished all that all you want but you arent backing up a goddamn thing you’re saying with any kind of proof
That game sucks and deserved a quick death, wake me up when you Caan come up with a game he “saved” that actually deserved exposure instead of a dime a dozen free to play multiplayer shooter
I’ve never heard of any of that.
The internet: guy I never heard of dies of cancer, was apparently internet famous for playing video games, was also apparently transphobic, people who hated him and people who loved him are now waging a battle of life and death over him in the comments... me: *shrugs and drinks his beer*
Fuck it, I’m down.
The premise of this list seems flawed considering Han Solo himself was an archetypal amalgamation of a number of sources himself, the dashing rogue with a hidden heart of gold was already a trope long before Star Wars came out.
His powers come not from his suit but his tradition? Well, there is also the literal Panther God and the fruit of the heart tree, but while T’Challa has nothing but respect for his people’s ways and traditions, and would die fighting for them a huge part of the character has always been how his true nature as a deeply…
What are you talking about? Craven didn’t make I Spit On Your Grave, he made Last House On The Left.
Oh yeah, I get it, and just because I’ve come to terms with it not really being my thing, I’m glad it exists, I’m glad there’s someone like Lynch making movies and shows like the one’s he’s made, it’s just not the kind of thing I usually go for. I’m all for surreal and psychedelic stuff, I just usually like my…
Most of Lynch’s work has never really clicked with me the way it has other people, but it’s not because I don’t usually understand what he’s going for, it’s usually just not my jam. So I find it weird there are people trying to draw an actual narrative from a series that is pretty much on record as just being Lynch…
That’s giving Ailes far too much credit, the cyclops could actually string words together and was a reasonably charming fellow before revealing himself to be the sort of person who will beat you with a tree branch, steal your money and kill your toad, and he STILL wouldn’t sexually harass you. So point Cyclops.
Would Elizabeth Banks have been too on the nose?
Does this mean he found that stupid old play I wrote in High School as part of a school project in which a disillusioned writer working at Fox News who literally just makes shit up for an easy paycheck with his writing partner who has gone insane due to being in that environment for so long? Because if not I’ve got a…
Nah, it still very much is.
Mr. Robot would like a word.
Andy Richter Controls The Universe and Andy Barker PI or get the fuck out!
Hey cool maybe Amazon can follow this up with bringing back Hannibal, a show I actually care about, goddammit.
Twin Peaks is comprised of about 98 percent fluff, it’s not a show you watch if you want narrative coherence, or really anything approaching a satisfying narrative. It might as well be an art installation of a series of vignettes playing on an old CRT monitor from a VCR tape in some kind of dilapidated industrial…