
The broom handle was probably a person at some point, since people turning into hunks of wood is a thing in Twin Peaks. Boom, I just blew this thing wide open.

I was too until I listened to a bunch of How Did This Get Made and was able to see that he’s actually a ridiculously funny and charming person in a way that seems as natural to him as breathing, and the people hiring him seem to be taking notice of his true talents too with his latest appearance on Brooklyn 99 feeling

I’m more excited to just hear Zouks tell stories about working on this on an eventual episode of How Did This Get Made, considering they’ve done a few Keanu movies as well as Halle Berry movies, I want him to ask Keanu about Johnny Mnemonic and The Lake House.

No problem, the issue is pretty harrowing stuff and serves as a “what might have been” had DC grown a pair and Ellis stayed with the book, it probably works as well as it does because John is looking into the subject because a friend of his believed it might have had something to do with magic or demons, and that ends

So...Manic Alien Dream Girl?

I feel like the one thing that could actually save the show would be to dive into heavier serialization, there’s a reason Who Shot Mr. Burns is an all time classic (and to date only) two-parter episode and it’s because actual stakes are introduced as well as giving the writers a longer period of time to build up to

For whatever reason all this reminded me of was Bojack Horseman’s jokes about flashback episodes

That...wasn’t the argument I was making, the movie is very much done with a self serious, grim and grounded tone and style. Essentially like Miller’s Batman: Year One, however that story was very straight forward plot wise and didn’t have a lot of twists and turns. That style can work if you’re playing within the

You had to look up MC Chris? I want your nerd badge and gun on my desk by the end of the day!

And that song is very similar compositionally to the song Hold On by Wilson Phillips.

Well this is as good a place as any to ask if anybody else thinks Minaj sounds ridiculously similar to MC Chris, something I’ve wanted to bring up around here for awhile but never had an article where such a post would be even remotely topical.

That and school shootings were already so frequent BEFORE Columbine that Warren Ellis wrote a goddamn issue of Hellblazer about it that was ready to hit the presses until Columbine happened, and goddammit if it isn’t one of the angriest and sadly prescient pieces of fiction written on the subject almost 20 goddamn

I wasn’t aware she was even on Roseanne

“...acknowledged that Kevin being unable to wait to murder his TV wife” Wait...what? Are you saying that the character actually murdered his wife on the show, and for the duration of the second season the show was following a wife murderer?

Asking Dowd to pick something he considers B+ is a loaded question since we all know his letter grades work on a sliding scale. A B+ from Dowd is an A from anyone else.

Yeah, for whatever reason I thought the original concept made it sound like a dark Noir-tinged black comedy with puppets. I’m curious if bringing on McCarthy led to this, since Henson had been having difficulty getting the film financed before she stepped on as a producer and rewrote the script.

First off, allegations should be taken seriously, secondly I feel that you’re reading things that aren’t there into what I actually wrote. I wasn’t calling for Tambor to be fired, I was just taking a middle of the road stance with tongue firmly in cheek (as evidenced by calling for a wacky heist at the end there) that

By Mitch Hurwitz’ statement it sounds like he had already paid Tambor and they were done shooting the thing when the allegations came up, meaning everything was in the can and flowed the way that they had wanted it to. Going through the laborious process of writing the character out of the show, and getting everyone

I could have sworn that Mission Hill and The Oblongs originally aired on the WB network.