Shut up and take my money!
Shut up and take my money!
Wait, what?! Netflix has now started to just dump multiple seasons on it’s service on the same day now? EDIT: Oh, nevermind, it’s a British show from 2015, would have been nice if they had I dunno, mentioned that in the article instead of just rambling on with a half-assed joke. what the fuck has happened to the…
GoldenEye was probably the epitome before Casino Royale, and the Connery movies are extremely overrated
Skyfall is probably one of the all time greatest Bond movies if we go by pure entertainment value alone. The movie is a spectacle all the way through and held my attention for the duration of the runtime (way too many Bond movies are huge fucking slogs between action set-pieces) So there are plot holes and leaps of…
This practice is actually extremely preferable to the current practice of only making a limited amount of specialty collector toys, which then sell out immediately and go for double the price on ebay a week later. I’d love if toy makers adopted similar practices for high ticket items so I don’t have to scour the…
a used game store/comic store I frequent has that steel battalion set, I’d be tempted if the damn game actually worked (years of research says it doesn’t)
500 is chump change considering how much stuff like this normally costs, assuming the quality is good, for a comparison of how much high end toys can tend to cost, give Sideshow a visit sometime:
They needed their shit fucked up, nobody was interested in getting involved with taking down the Barksdales, who were basically running the entirety of the Baltimore drug trade with impunity, then after they took down the Barksdales and Stanfield took over, killing dozens and dozens of people, mostly for no goddamn…
Lester in the first season was resigned to just sit at his desk and work on his doll furniture, he had essentially been completely broken by the system before the task force was set up because of McNulty’s meddling, and I’m not trying to excuse McNulty’s personality flaws of which there are many, just that you can be…
Lol! Yeah, because pissing off your superiors at every possible turn is a surefire way to get all the glory! If anything Daniels is more of a gloryhound, constantly playing the political games and utilizing it to the advantage of his career, it took McNulty reminding him about what their job is for him to get back on…
Well, despite the movie being horrible in almost every way, it was nominated for a crap load of Oscars. So it makes sense that it would be the movie Reilly had a bit dramatic part in that would net him a nomination.
And yet, completely in character
Oh man, the scene where Scarlet Witch and Visions children are revealed to be shards of Mephisto and he absorbs them back into himself will be a laugh riot!
To be fair, he is the best part of that movie, and steals every single fucking scene he’s in
The fuck is up with all the McNulty bashing? Jimmy is the conscience of the first several seasons, he’s the only cop who actually seems to care about serving and protecting instead of just clearing case loads to meet quotas and move up the promotion ladder. He’s an incredibly flawed human being, but the great thing…
I...don’t remember his rant about the school system? Something about it teaching children to conform and not be special IIRC? Ha, yeah that was bullshit for anyone who wasn’t a baby boomer like Brad Bird. If you were an actual kid when the first Incredibles came out (like I was) you had been raised on a bajillion TV sh…
Basically if they end up releasing it during a drought of movies it’s ok to take children to it’ll do gangbusters, I have seen some truly awful childrens films with my son because his mom won’t let me take him to see Marvel movies yet
It’s possible to have a favorite? What are you a bunch of masochists? I guess if I had to pick it’d either be Motion City Soundtrack’s Commit This to Memory or The Front Bottoms’ Self-titled album, because I listened to both a lot when the mother of my son dropped me like a sack of fucking hammers. My Chemical…