
Fake reviews!

This place was always jaded, that was essentially the crux of the - “The AV Club” running joke

I’m not sure, but he single handedly ruined what could have been an all time classic episode of Best of the Worst with his fucking presence, somehow he made Rich Evans losing hos mind over a Neil Breen film not only uninteresting but grating and rage inducingly annoying as well, they should make Len Kabisinski and

Wasn’t there an article about that movie on here at some point? Something about a guy writing a screenplay, selling it, and then it eventually getting made into a horrible piece of shit long after the author forgot about it?

Male Mary Sues are known as Larry Sues

Shut up Wesley

A Mary Sue isn’t just a term to describe a character with plot armor who is abnormally competent (if it were most film protagonists would be Mary or Larry Sues) a Mary Sue is specifically referring to the phenomena in fan fiction in which an author places a surrogate of themselves into their story, has them meet,

Now I want an episode of How Did This Get Made that just talks about that one fucking scene, that has got to be the weirdest fucking thing to make it into a mainstream studio blockbuster in decades

Wait...I Am Legend had a scene in which Will Smith recites lines from Shrek for about 3 minutes right? I didnt stroke out in the middle of the movie and hallucinate that? I’m scared guys...

Ok fine, Kenner was doing good work, their figures were sturdy and built to last, but they were also poorly detailed and had maybe five points of articulation, I say that while being a fan of 80s toys because while they were pretty low tech, the quality control was through the roof. I just really don’t think American

This ignores the fact that Landis’ directorial debut was also horrible

Eh, Little Evil was ok, and I like that they’re basically handing movies to lesser known or under the radar directors who probably couldn’t get a movie made within the studio system these days, essentially picking up the slack of mid budget films that Hollywood has essentially abandoned at this point, but yeah,

That’s not even close to the worst shit he’s said in public, in an interview he went on a misogynistic rant about how women only want to fuck him because he’s famous

He’s so far removed from having to struggle for anything in life that he’s essentially a living parody of white male privilege mixed with nepotism, I mean, how many films he’s been attached to have bombed? And he’s still selling scripts?

At this point is there a film of his he HASN’T disavowed? 

So...another Will Smith movie that randomly references Shrek?

Wait...what? They were mad because they switched out a shitty movie for an amazing one?

The movie works almost solely because it’s Kurt Russell, if any other actor had been in the role it would have come across as the creepiest thing imaginable, but Russell oozes likability and everyman charm, you can’t help but be on his side. Even the rare times he’s played a villain I can’t help but like him

There is I believe some nuance to be found even in saying “It’s the artists call” I’m completely fine with this instance as well as what was done with Christopher Plummer because they aren’t changing the intent or context of the art, they are simply substituting one of cogs in the machine with a copy of the same size