
I’m fine with this, as long as the comedic timing isn’t affected, which seeing as Hirsch did the redubbing himself shouldn’t be an issue. Reading the headline I was worried Disney would either be completely removing the episode or cutting out the scenes, which would mean if and when they finally get around to

Everyone knows all the toys made before the 1990s were nickel and dime garbage, and as of the late 2000s they’ve transitioned to an even lower quality standard while the cost has skyrocketed, if the price has to go up I’d rather be buying stuff from Japan or if I’m looking to spend even more money I’ll grab something

If they brought back Alec Guiness it would have been with shitty CGI like Peter Cushing in Rogue One, it made more sense to bring back the Jedi master who could be played by a puppet

Good time is actually already out on home media, so you could probably watch that one with Redbox too

I’m so glad he finally got the role on Brooklyn Nine Nine, he’d been in some good to great stuff before that (Kamacho anyone?) but for the most part it never felt like anyone was properly utilizing his full range of talent as a gifted comedic actor, I’m so glad he was cast in B99 and that it exists as a record of what

Holy shit, so were those actually his drawings on Brooklyn Nine Nine?

This song actually has the opposite of its purported intended effect, which you would assume is to get in the Christmas spirit. Personally the only feeling the song elicits from me is murderous white-hot rage

nah, not nearly cartoony enough, The Warriors, I will remind you, featured a goddamn mime gang!

The cops can’t even get that abuse of power right, usually they’ll just shoot people guilty of having dark skin and then claim they were criminals after the fact

But see that is profiling, some criminals happen to be juggalos but that doesn’t mean all juggalos are criminals, the vast majority of them are part of a rap fandom, it’d be like people getting labeled as criminals for wearing a tupac shirt, or because they have long hair, I’m not going to go and say it’s somehow

It would be kinda cool if gangs actually wore outlandish costumes and facepaint like something out of The Warriors

That’s not the point, imagine if cosplayers were designated as a gang by the FBI or renaissance fair visitors, or people wearing halloween costumes, or Football fans who wear facepaint, just because they can change their get up doesn’t make the fact they’re being profiled as criminals right

My uncle is the son of one of the Christensen brothers who founded the San Francisco ballet company and were known for bringing the Nutcracker to American audiences, apart from the ballet originating in Russia I wouldn’t say it had a “dark side” apart from maybe the rat king being portrayed as more monstrous depending

I did make a point in my posts bemoaning this trailer that if it fails it won’t be due to the very talented cast, this trailer along with Ghostbusters just seems so lazy, like the filmmakers thought they could just half ass it and still make millions of dollars at the box office

While I know that you’re right, I was at least trying to remain optimistic, besides, they’re essentially already following the same business model, at least genderflipping the cast changes something beyond “hey remember that thing you love? Here it is again!”

Hell, the trailer starts out with a scene copying the opening scene of the first Clooney movie, I’d say they’re bringing comparisons on themselves with stuff like that

To be fair, they did steal jewels in both Oceans Twelve and Thirteen

That’s a good point actually, although the hacker does just seem to be an updated version of the computer guy from the originals, and I do recall them using forgeries a lot in the previous films without requiring a dedicated forger on the team. But you are right that at least the skill sets seem to be shaking things up’re saying there will definitely be a karaoke scene in the movie?

My favorite part was when Rebel Wilson fell down or acted with more confidence and sensuality than society would generally dictate a plus sized woman should act, oh what a laugh riot