Mr. Snrub

Well WB has several easy options here:

Yeah, but the re-up date is November 4th, 2020 — the day after the election.

Disney should just set aside a portion of the park for Marvel, at least then they won't have to re-brand California Adventure into Marvel Land (featuring the Inhumans whether you like it or not) at the expense of existing rides.

This season felt like an improvement, even if it didn't go back to present day like I had hoped.

It's a figure of speech, dear boy. It will not hurt you.

Mattis seems like he'd be alright but he's 6th, behind Mnuchin, Tillerson, Hatch, Ryan and Pence

But then we're stuck with Orrin Hatch, and if he somehow keels over at the thought of being President at 83 we'll be stuck with Tillerson.

Then we're stuck with Ryan, the guy who gets a semi from the thought of taking money from poor people.

I'll just rattle off a few, since the worst seem to have already been listed (Hannity, Geraldo, Lahren, Maher, etc.)

I don't see what the hubub is over Cap becoming Hydra, this is the third time in the last few years that Marvel has done the whole "what if the main character became EEEEEEVILLLL?!?!" twist.


Rebellion begins with hope™

Well, if it's wi-fi provided by Comcast, we're in the clear

They got REALLY complacent after having Obama for the past 8 years, they thought they could coast through 2016 with Hillary.
The Republicans nominating Orange Julius didn't help things either, it made them even more laidback - "no way we're losing this thing to the Apprentice guy, no way!" - but they did, and now

My dog died and my friend got cancer.

I've seen it damn near every time I've seen a movie in the past few months:

Seriously, I've seen the same goddamn trailer for this thing every time I've gone to the movies in the past 3 months.

The Waif - She's definitely getting snuffed out this week. After last week's cliffhanger, and the title of this episode ("No One") as well as the previews for next week - she's a sure thing.

It's probably been said a million times but: Half Life 3.
It will always be Half Life 3.

The Hound/FrankenMountain - Cleganebowl isn't going to be this week. This week we will see the arrival of a certain gravedigger…