Mr. Snrub

Loras - Most likely to die. He serves no real purpose to the plot other than being a shadow of his former self because of the Faith Militant.
That, coupled with the fact that Finn Jones is set to star in Marvel's Iron Fist makes it seem all the more likely that he's going to bite it this week, especially with

I'm still holding out hope that the Umber's apparent betrayal of the Starks is the show's version of the "mummer's farce" in the books.

I liked CinemaSins when their videos were shorter and more to-the-point.
After a while though, their video run-times started to balloon into 15-20 minute nitpicking episodes.

You would think the Flash writers would try and avoid that trope… but they did it again with Patty Spivot who, despite being a cop and Barry's girlfriend (and a much better love interest than Iris), is never told that he's the Flash

There's 13 companions in total (possibly more whenever new DLC drops next year):

I stick with Nick mostly. I switch to Preston for Minutemen missions, and Danse for BoS missions (for combat reasons and so Nick doesn't get all judgy for palling around with the Brotherhood).

Pretty much. It's the comic way of saying "faster than faster than the speed of light."

Only store near me that had Force Friday at midnight was Toys R Us.
I got there at 12:10 am, and it was mobbed (not hundreds of people, mind you but several dozen). The shelves were mostly barren and there were still shipping boxes full of toys being picked apart before they even made it to a shelf (hell, I saw a guy

7. Whiplash
6. Lego Movie
5. Captain America: TWS
4. Birdman
3. Grand Budapest Hotel
2. Guardians of the Galaxy
1. Boyhood

Well, it's mostly because ending the season on the children of the forest lacks the "wow" factor that Stoneheart's reveal would have, but it's also a slight bit of dread that Stoneheart will be cut entirely

The episode title "The Children" seems to imply that the reveal of the children of the forest is going to be the big moment to end the season (again, I really, really, REALLY hope that's not true)

The reason I believe Dany will *BOOK 5 SPOILERS* lock up her dragons next week is that shot in the preview of two of her dragons in a dark area (the pyramid of Meereen perhaps?)

Now that would be interesting - to have Arya leave the Hound there and run away from Brienne (and leave the Hound's fate up in the air), but it also makes me worry that there won't be a Stoneheart reveal if that's the case.

There were two seperate battles - the first initial assault by about a hundred wildlings where Ygritte dies (by an unknown archer), and the second where most of Mance's army attacks (which last for days) and wherein Thorne and Slynt imprison Jon for supposed treason. Thorne and Slynt then send Jon on what they believe

Looks like he was cut from this season, he might show up next season to juice up Bran's subplot next season since there's really nothing else for Bran to do now but *SPOILERS…KIND OF* sit and meditate

Revising my prediction for the finale:
- Jon meeting Mance followed by STANNIS! STANNIS! STANNIS!
- Dany *SPOILERS FOR BOOK 5* locks up her dragons after finding out Drogon ate a kid *END SPOILERS FOR BOOK 5*
- Tyrion kills Shae and Tywin and is smuggled out of KL by Varys
- Bran and co. find the 3-eyed raven and the

My guess for the finale is that it will be:

I have a hunch it's going to be a flashback to how he met his deaf partner

I personally really like the name some have put to the theory - Cleganebowl

He might return as Jaime's sword instructor, as Ilyn Payne has been seemingly written out of the show in honor of Wilko Johnson (the actor who portrayed him, who is unfortunately suffering from pancreatic cancer)