
No, “America” by which I take it you mean the government and white people in general do not have an overwhelming fear that an unjust court system will encourage people of color to seek justice through violent means. Firstly; and I am broadly generalizing so calm down any lily snowflakes who might be reading this;

Any update on whether there will be a PC/Steam release? If I recall, when this was first announced many outlets suggested there would be, only to retract and its been sort of hazy since

Don’t these conservatives realize that wealthy white gay people dislike and fear the poor and people of color about as consistently as wealthy white straight people and the gay marriage thing is all they many of them are waiting for to start voting Republican? Like gay marriage is the go ahead for many of them to move

Let’s not sugar coat what is going through these people’s heads. You’re overlooking the fact that many of these people have a worldview that suggests that there are intellectual and even moral differences between people of different races. To these people they aren’t refusing to see a doctor solely because of the

Sanders is popular because people like him on the issues. He wins on both those fronts, so there must be another reason he lost the primary

It’s like poker, you need a certain number of players to have a game, and if one person wins so consistently that others stop being able to afford to bet, the game ends.

Right and the dissolution of the middle class and destruction of the safety net are ongoing processes. If trends continue, it is not only possible but probable that over the coming years and decades more and more Americans will find themselves in situations of extreme poverty.

The reality is that much of the Democratic leadership would rather have a president Trump than a president Sanders

They need to be able to pay their bills and have reasonable hope that they can make progress in life.

No need to apologize. I think many of us get our backs up over the justice system and regret any harshness in my response. This situation is crappy, depressingly common and it is terrible when our court system (and by extension us) takes years from the lives of innocent people like this.

ouch, my backlog...

ouch, my backlog...

Also apparently to avoid a trial in which he could be found innocent of armed robbery but still be send to prison cause the world is fucked up

No they aren’t wondering. Folks are assuming he’s actually guilty and was trying to worm out of it.

The author assumes you are basically familiar with the legal system. Pleading out to a lesser charge is an extremely common legal strategy. Not unusual at all. Look it up.

Or an article that assumes its readers understand how the judicial system works. Pleading guilty to a minor charge to avoid going to trial on a major one is a very very common legal strategy, particularly if the defendant doesn’t have much of a record. If the plea had accepted, the defendant would likely have paid a

Wait, why are we so sure Mueller is going to conduct a fair and honest investigation? Wasn’t he appointed by the same DOJ that is run by Jeff Sessions? Couldn’t this whole thing be DOJ putting the perception that they’ve put an independent and qualified investigator on the case while actually just putting another one

How I understand the answer to your question is this:

It’s also not something you should say to an angry drunk stranger anyways. I highly doubt that anyone has ever answered “Why yes, I am 8 shots in and am clearly behaving irrationally. I apologize for my actions and you are totally in the right”

Ok, so somebody handed Trump a piece of paper that said Walsh is the source of the leaks? And that is all it took to get rid of her?

Quick guys, we need to start fake news sites alleging that various douchebags in government are leaking news about Trump. I propose we work our way up the presidential line of succession

poly options are seriously lacking in games. You’d think crafting a romance system where it was possible to enter into deep relationships with multiple characters (and have them develop their own dynamics even) would be an interesting challenge for game designers. There might be some design and even tech barriers to