
Trump firing Comey is not a surprise. He values loyalty over competence, integrity, morality or even his public image. Comey’s FBI subpoenaing members of the Trump campaign yesterday was going to get a response and it is no surprise that Trump immediately lashed out and fired the head of the organization. If he could,

I developed a habit of drinking alone over the course of my 20s. I’m kind of an introvert and love nothing more than sitting down and getting a little ways past tipsy in front of Netflix or the Xbox or something. I’ve always been fully functional: I’ve able to hold down a demanding and rewarding job and move up the

It took a couple tries, but on your advice I played through the Trails in the Sky FC. It sort of starts out really slow, but I ended up getting really into it. I decided to wait until all three came out to move forward, but looks like it is time

“If your baby is going to die and it doesn’t have to, it shouldn’t matter how much money you make...We all agree on that, right?”

It means that his dumb racist face looks like there has been a terrible industrial accident involving superheated orange peels and afterwards, at the hospital, an inexperienced nurse inserted the catheter crooked

You might be right. And the interesting thing would be that Lincoln almost certainly would have fought the northern states in that case because, especially in the beginning, he wasn’t actually fighting against slavery so much as trying to keep the union together

Everyone makes purchases they regret. You might buy an expensive toy, binge on cartons of ice cream, get a fancy dress, buy an Xbox One, or you might buy too many copies of a Top Gun video game.

To be fair, I wouldn’t be completely surprised if Donald Trump regularly talks to the ghost of Andrew Jackson. Either through Steve Bannon’s dark magic or just because he is insane


“Back in my day, games didn’t even always have endings and we got along just fine. If you were lucky, the developers just wrote the words “The End” on the screen in the middle of a boss fight, but half the time the game just broke and froze up before you go to the final level. And we had to share the Kill

I thought his daily brief was just Infowars and whatever white supremacists happen to tweet that morning?

Various northern states were passing laws that made it harder for white southerners to own slaves. Like New York passed laws prohibiting vacationing slaveholders from bring their slaves with them when they came north to summer in the Hamptons. Lincoln ran on a platform of supporting the northern states’ rights to pass

Well actually he’s technically right because, as the article points out, Trump’s presidential role model Andrew Jackson was a mass murdering racist psychopath who thought slavery was the bees knees. If Andrew Jackson or Donald Trump or someone like them had been around and had won the 1860 Presidential Election, South

“And what about World War II? Nobody but me wants to ask that question. If Andrew Jackson had just lived a little longer, never would have happened. If I had been president, World War II? Never would have happened. Why couldn’t that one have been worked out? What was so bad about Hitler and Pearl Harbor anyways?”

Hey catheter face, the answer to your question is “slavery” the Civil War could not be averted because there was slavery

Is it possible I have been having a stroke since November?

I haven’t played Magic since high school, but the coolest thing about this story is it revealed how many of my FB friends are still into Magic. Suddenly like 20 people on my newsfeed were talking about Magic cards and posting memes

Exactly, which to me means the more compelling “artistic integrity” argument would actually be for changing the text to preserve the intended meaning of the original artists

But it didn’t mean Ku Klux Klan

From a Missionary/Ministry family sitting in my office in a Christian religious institution; which I mention to clarify that I am not trying to make a statement against Christianity in general; and unfortunately some of the most prominent incarnations of the KKK have espoused what they claimed to be an explicitly

Hard to say from the video, you only see the kid for a few frames. He certainly wasn’t straight up in the sky where Trump threw the hat while he shouted “No!” though. Trump seems to look at him and laugh before taking and signing another hat which he throws more directly into the crowd, but apparently not at where the