
He threw it into the crowd randomly

And how did you celebrate? Eggs?

Assad. Assad did. Probably with the permission of Putin’s government, since the attack was launched from a base being shared by the Syrian and Russian military. Possibly with some forewarning through back channels to the Trump Administration so they could conduct an anemic bombing that did no real damage but made the

To be fair, you’re making a ton of assumptions

That’s a blue poop emoji

Nonono, you don’t understand. Mr. Douthat is just saying that he finds it very relaxing when people of color are violently assaulted so they can’t bother his lily white ass

If only all of us not-police would stop being so clumsy

Look, I’m just some guy, but this whole scenario seems like it makes no sense. Mere days ago, Assad was in a better position than he’s been for years. Putin was still solidly behind him and the relatively new American president had repeatedly stated in the past that the United States should stay out of his business.

Sadly, the insurance plan offered by the Catholic employer for whom I perform the chronically underpaid duty of Medicaid funded social work didn’t cover a vasectomy last time I looked into it and I will probably never have money laying around for voluntary medical procedures. That might have changed, I dunno

I still donate to the vasalgel non-profit yearly even though I stopped dating or being sexually active much. You can too, so you can make it more likely to be available after next rugrat

If a pill has a 20 percent chance of making you permanently infertile, how likely are you to take that pill?

Spoiler alert, Session’s Justice Department will find that the murder of Emmet Till wasn’t really a murder and it was Clinton or Obama’s fault

It really depends on the person and the context. Some trans folks have no qualms telling people about it for whatever personal reason they might have. Just like with any other bit of personal information.

Are your friends aware of the fact that the character they grew up with is still around and currently has his own ongoing comic? Cause if they aren’t, you should tell them

Yes, there was debate over Dylann Roof. The authorities needed to see how many Whoppers he could consume before determining if he was capable of committing a hate crime

I think you’re thinking of his follow up statement after the original comments blew up in the geekosphere. The original statement was basically “we were hearing that people didn’t want more diverse superheroes, which is frustrating because our new ideas aren’t catching on and this appears to be why” and his follow up

He’s not black? I always thought he was Morgan Freeman’s brother or something

The thing about Mr. Gabriel’s statement is that I believe him to a certain extent. I believe that there are probably vocal comic book fans who are unhappy that there are slightly more women and people of color starring in superhero comics at Marvel. I believe that these regressive douche clutches complain about it to

Or is it easy to turn on and off? From a privacy standpoint, which is what is motivating a lot of the interest in VPN in the US right now, your Hulu viewing history isn’t such a big deal, Hulu tracks it anyways. So if you can easily shut it off to watch Hulu/Netflix and so on and turn it back on for other browsing you

Or is it easy to turn on and off? From a privacy standpoint, which is what is motivating a lot of the interest in

Meh, I’ll stick with G.U.Y.S.