Oh good, funny rape jokes
Oh good, funny rape jokes
I dunno my friend, 3 square meals and a roof over your head is more than some full time working people can afford these days...
Wait, were these cabinets just TVs with Raspberry PIs running emulators in them or were they more complex?
These people are American heroes
See also: Netflix’s Punisher series after the soft pilot in the last few episodes of Daredevil Season 2.
Earthworm Jim is one of those games I rented numerous times as a kid that I’d never want to play again under any circumstances now that I am older and wiser
My father was a big Diablo an Diablo II fanatic who couldn’t get Diablo III to work at launch. No matter how many times I explain that the problems he was experiencing were widespread, he still insists it was because his (perfectly adequate as far as I can tell) internet connection wasn’t fast enough.
I work with folks with developmental disabilities in NYC and occasionally have been around when coworkers have called 911 due to behavioral issues. According to the NYC EMTs who responded to those calls, they aren’t allowed to walk into a situation with an “emotionally disturbed person” until the police arrive. On…
Having had some experience with cats, I think you need some lids on those boxes if you wanna collect them
I’d say I feel sick to my stomach, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to afford it soon
Thanks for the response
I imagine OP is less surprised and more disappointed. I was enough of a Halo fan that I made the jump from being a PS customer to Xbox last generation. Bought my XBone the day Halo 5 dropped and have regretted it ever since. MThe hardware is solid, but the games library is an absolute joke. Three months later the Xbox…
Either way Shadow of Mordor is one of my favorite games this gen and I can’t wait for Shadow of War.
Honestly, when I’m driving in traffic and realize that the whole big jam is being caused by someone double parked, I absolutely do fantasize about slashing their tires
I really need to start doing this whenever I move my car for alternate side parking. Not only do I forget where the car is, but I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night wondering if I remembered to move it and ending up wandering the neighborhood trying to figure out where my car is because there will be…
The Democrats are in crisis because since the Reagan years they’ve adopted “rush to the middle” strategy of trying to be as inoffensive and mild as possible in a bid to appeal to moderate voters. Not wanting to alienate their conception of middle America, the party as a whole has shied away from strong policy…
I think one of the things that people tend to forget is that the vast majority of classic Atari games are borderline unplayable trash by modern standards. Designers were just starting to try to figure out what a good game was at the time, so much of the language of gaming that we take for granted hadn’t been invented…
President Trump has yet to address Judge Watson’s ruling directly, as he has done on Twitter for similar cases in the past.
Wait, we can’t scream at Muslims and try to drive them off the road anymore? This country is getting out of hand with all the Sharia law fake news PC bullshit. #MAGA
As I mentioned in a previous post somewhere, FF main characters have been pretty universally unlikable starting with at least FF8. I’d argue that the last Final Fantasy main character who didn’t act like an alien who has never been to Earth but watched a bunch of Kat-Tun videos thinks humans might act was Terra in…