
There are plenty of comments visible that disagree with the article. Including ones posted well before yours. Strange thing to lie about lol.

I can’t imagine it would even help, no matter how many SBI-dev-meetings they released videos/transcripts of.  The conspiracy theorists would just insist there were more behind-the-scenes ones where they (somehow) forced more diversity.

I can’t imagine it would even help, no matter how many SBI-dev-meetings they released videos/transcripts of.  The conspiracy theorists would just insist there were more behind-the-scenes ones where they (somehow) forced more diversity.

I see, thanks.

Probably using an app to communicate and coordinate a murder. Like something gang-related rather than dv or whatever.

Did it add to it at all?

Some stuff can be waved away with a time gap I guess. But just tossing aside the whole Madrigal thing after spending half a season on it seems bizarre. I’d rather they just ignored it than straight up saying “none of that mattered”.

Yeah that does seem a likely reason.

Yep, several writers have seemed rather annoyed about the headlines in the past when discussing in the comments.

Talking about appearances changing...where did all our profile pics go Zack?!

looking at the front legs, it does look like some of the loops are in the same place vertically? Hard to tell from blurry twitter pics tho.

All I can think is that he’s getting confused and referring to scaling individual loops or something

I think you’re right. People always come up with some weird framing to get around it, like it would be choosing to kill Tuvok and Neelix. But they’re already (*basically*) dead.
It’d be like if they lost vital organs in the accident, then the crew stumble across some rando (let’s call him Jerry) who has compatible

wait, maybe it’s a thing now...


People will think the Imperium are cool, they will think Exterminatus is cool.

Hope Plunkett never sees this being on here...

Hope Plunkett never sees this being on here...

That corset design looks like fey wojaks

Yup. My memory was that his friend/business-partner asked around after the initial allegation. A bunch of their other friends and colleagues confirmed he’d been doing dodgy shit.
*Then* he got fired and killed himself over it. But gg types like to pretend it was all down to one allegation.

For those like me who had forgotten: