

When did she leave a voicemail to black noir? I don’t remember that bit.

Her “drowning” sounded very overdramatic, so I’m assuming she was trying to guilt him rather than actually be immediately dying.

I think it just comes down to there being a ton of kids who are at least vaguely unhappy at school for various reasons. And the potter books combined many different elements of wish-fullfilment that really appealed to them.
You get to suddenly find out you’re special.
And get to spend time studying fun things (eg shapesh

Yup. With the aging it’s becoming obvious to Homelander he needs to set things up properly for Ryan, who definitely is still vulnerable. That’s probably why he brought in Sister Sage.

I’d thought I’d misremembered this as it hadn’t come up at all since the death.

Fallout 1 defo gets better as you go on imo. Once the combat challenge starts coming from careful planning around tough enemies rather than your char being useless. And the built-up locations are more fun than the early game.

With how much gen z seems to be into incest porn I guess it will be a hit.

This sucks. It’s been my favourite star trek for a long time! But I guess hard to keep it going when they keep promoting the lower deckers.

Yeah that sounds plausible.

Didn’t the memory loss thing turn out to be somewhat overblown?

The plan is...we kill people and take their stuff so we survive for longer. Oh, not shocking enough for ya? Ok...we’re also gonna steal children! Wait, FTWD did that 2 seasons ago...

Sad times. Who’s even left now... I just noticed Jezebel is gone completely, wtf

I remember hearing he got surprisingly little hassle.

Guess it shouldn’t be a surprise with what happened elsewhere but ugh still sucks. End of an era as you said.

Who needs 50 guides a week?!

Damn, that sucks. Thanks for the link.

Off-topic, but does anyone know what’s happened to all the comments on Kotaku? Most articles seem to have them removed and/or don’t allow new ones.
Gizmodo seems a bit threadbare too.

Off-topic, but does anyone know what’s happened to all the comments on Kotaku? Most articles seem to have them removed and/or don’t allow new ones.

Is that really what happened? That would be so dumb...