
Cosby’s team has announced plans to start a nationwide tour where he lectures on how to avoid having your face removed from murals.

Life in Aggro is drawn really well.


Negatives: my cat is on a billion meds now because he is old and his body is breaking down. I can’t make it past a 3rd date IF I even get to that. It is super hot and I don’t have aircon.

so this may show how little I have going on in my life but I think like, every week about stuff to post on here (even though I’m grey) and then always come on late and feel like ive missed the boat. lol (because I’m grey)

He is thank god. There’s no way they could do it without him. I swear, as funny as Bret and Jermaine were in FOTC, Murray usually stole every scene he was in. Personally I was really hoping they’d call it “What We Do in the Moonlight.”

I’m assuming you watched Jessica Jones? Check out Legion?

My postdoc fellowship is ending and I don’t have a job lined up. I’m kinda freaking out.

Or, trying to force you to have the baby and then trying to get custody. You are literally looking at a lifetime of shit if a condom breaks.

I’m a Gen Xer, and it seems like Boomers are so busy complaining about Millenials that they’ve forgotten that they used to constantly complain about us! Why won’t these jackholes retire and go away?

It did. The ending is a bit cheesy but it does wrap up.

Hey friends! I’m getting ready to launch a fundraiser for a new feminist project. Any suggestions for great places to share the link? I’m broadcasting it through my personal networks but would love more ideas. Thanks, all!

Now playing

We’re here for you. Stay strong. Here, have some pups playing:

I’m in Dublin for the next week. Come find me in Temple Bar, we can have a pint!

So I’m currently in hospital after waking up yesterday screaming like a banshee utterly convinced I had been stabbed in the ladygarden. Turns out my left ovary has eloped with a cyst and both are currently making a break for the border. The healthcare system in Ireland is much maligned but my doctors were not fucking

Just homed our foster kitties and got a call about a little dog living outside. Now she’s here and we’re back up to five dogs. All are littles,  a herd of ankle biters and are super cute. The new one has minor leg birth defects so might need surgery later on so could end up permanent. Tell me I’m not crazy. House is

I had never seen Alien or The Thing until I was 28/29. A friend insisted we watch Alien while we were stationed aboard a Navy ship when I was in the Marines. So we watched Alien at night, on a strange boat, then had to live in and navigate around dark, creaky corridors and unfamiliar equipment for the next three

I’ve actually never seen Alien. I should probably get to that sometime. John Dies at the End sounds interesting, though. The only other comedy horror I’ve seen (that I can think of) is What We Do in the Shadows, which is an absolutely brilliant docu-style vampire parody.

Leprechaun In The Hood.

For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to watch the body cam footage again. Mostly because I remembered there being one particular shooting where a cop looked like he basically executed someone for trying to drive away from the scene of a traffic stop.