A friend of mine has a rule that before she gets on a flight, she makes sure her facebook status says how much she hates the Daily Mail, in case the plane crashes and the DM journalists trawl her page to write about her.
A friend of mine has a rule that before she gets on a flight, she makes sure her facebook status says how much she hates the Daily Mail, in case the plane crashes and the DM journalists trawl her page to write about her.
Oh god, I now have to think of a hilarious tweet to pin that will become poignant if I get hit by a car...
Seeing soldiers on the streets in small bucolic market towns will, I fear, make the Tory landslide a double-landslide.
I want to be wrong. I have been assuming that they’ll wait to throw him under the bus until they’ve squeezed every last drop of usefulness out of him, but I want to be wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong!
Why don’t the moderate ones condemn these acts of violence...?
yeah, hence my second parenthetical. We tend to forget that most of ISIS’s victims are Muslim, which is especially dangerous in that it enhances the “they hate us for our freedom” (where “they” = “Muslims” rather than “specifically ISIS”) narrative.
And when this guy gets out of jail after years of being confined with real criminals and cannot get a decent job with a record, I wonder what kind of activities he’ll pick up?
Yes, it is vastly more important for me to spew vague sadness over the deaths of people I have no connection to instead of desiring to see their deaths not be used as part of a successful terrorist scheme.
Grande has also, unlike many young pop stars, been more willing to identify herself as a feminist - I did wonder if that had anything to do with why it was her show in particular (i.e., attacking young girls following a woman who encourages them to be feminist) (although it may have just been that it was a…
Getting upset for someone making a valid point is dumb. I doubt FGJustice doesn’t feel upset for those children, however it is a valid point that the goal of this attack would be to increase hatred towards immigrants in the country and push the political atmosphere more conservative. Analysis of the goal of an action…
As heinous as members of ISIS are...they still didn’t deserve that George Lucas comparison.
I’m basing it on how the bulk of the multiple previous EU attacks have played out, and based on the suspected web postings by this individual on Sunday. ISIS is involved in only the most remote manner possible: they were not aware of it beforehand, not aware of the individual/s beforehand, had no hand in the event,…
There is little doubt that the timing of this attack is related to the election a couple weeks away. The goal of ISIS is to pit the rest of the world against all Muslims so that Muslims will have “no choice” but to join with ISIS for a “final battle” against all non-Muslims. To do this, you need people in power that…
How is that disgusting? I didn’t say the Conservatives are the ones who did it. I’m saying ISIS wants the Conservatives to win, just like they wanted President Snowflake to win. Recruiting is a lot easier when you have hate-spewing morons declaring war on an entire culture.
Just because ISIS claimed it doesn’t mean they had anything to do with it. FFS every detail they’ve given of the attack is inaccurate according to GMP information. Giving them the credit makes them seem a bigger threat than they are.
Apparently, ISIS is also taking over a city called Marawi in the Phillipines and are burning down as many buildings as they can, including schools and hospitals.
This article has some analysis at the bottom I think we all need to read:
I feel like Kenny Omega did this spot better.
Hot puberty huh? That Freud is a motherfucker
YOU are what is wrong with the Olympic spirit, sir. If you’re not willing to compete for a poorly-cast medal while swimming in sewage and dodging gunfire, you’re handling things WRONG.