I thought this was America!
I thought this was America!
I firmly believe in creative and bespoke punishments. I hereby sentence that man to 20 years of being an elevator attendant in an elevator that uses a female voice for accessibility purposes. And that elevator needs to be in a building that houses businesses that are owned and operated by women.
“There are some very good demons, on both sides!”
The entertainment comes not just from Trump, but from his dipshit supporters as well.
If there is indeed a specific demographic so deluded that its members makes sexist remarks in front of witnesses, I’m okay with their behavior getting them targeted by a law.
Wait.... Wait... Are you saying the alt-right was wrong all this time?
I had it on good authority that Anita Sarkeesian was going to purge creativity from gaming, and that Donald Trump would keep the liberals from neutering my favorite pass time. I have literally no idea how that could have backfired on me. All I wanted was ethics in games journalism, I swear. Scout’s honor.
Ok, so the World Health Organization defines an ‘adolescent” anyone between 10 and 19. The age of consent in RI is 16. So a 16 year old can legally fuck their brains out if they can find willing partner(s), but not cultivate their own tastes...?
Belgian police attempting to arrest Inspector Gadget.
And porn. And gay stuff. And trans people using bathrooms. And any other religion’s existence except their own very narrow interpretation of one translation of one single text. And science education. And fighting unanimous decisions to take down confederate traitor monuments.
Jesus fucking Christ. We in Rhode Island have enough god damn problems...being right next to Massachusetts, the weather, being the smallest state and nobody taking us seriously, the worst drivers in America on the worst roads in America, the awful Rhode Island accent, coffee milk, opioids, the worst working DMV system…
He didn’t say it would dissaude teens from consuming porn, only that it might “stop teens from internalizing harmful ideas from porn (ie biology ideas, copy violence, body insecurities)“. That’s quite different.
its the bonus stage, obv
What I think will actually help stop teens from internalizing harmful ideas from porn (ie biology ideas, copy violence, body insecurities) is comprehensive sex-education that addresses porn as an acted-out fantasy rather than a documentary.
Piggybacking on your “in other undermining Trump news” to post this great interview with Jane Mayer about her article covering the Steele dossier. Pivotal information.
One of my favorite shows is the Graham Norton Show. Something about the format brings out the humor in all of his guests. He normally has an eclectic group on the couch and the conversation flows easily. One night they included Samuel L. Jackson, John Malkovich, Tom Hiddleston, a comedian whose name escapes me, and…
This will probably yield nothing, but does anyone now how bans work on Jezebel? No clue why it happened, but my posts no longer appear anywhere on the site, and I can still post normally elsewhere on Kinja, so I assume it was a ban.
What’s the idea behind building sky bases anyway? (Not a player, legitimately curious.)