
I like how Uzcategui bows in respect, and Dirrell touches gloves with his bowed head. The boxing equivalent of when someone sticks their fist out for a fist bump, and you grab it for a handshake.

It’s honestly impressive how wrong these people(and Trump) can be in just one concise statement.

First ever proper Mount and Blade esports tournament afaik. Will Disappoint some people due to the aged graphics (and game age in general), but worth including due to being the first of its kind I think.

Thanks for the reminder! Def worth sharing since most people probably missed it.

Bruh... Our president is a moron right now. If anyone is showing their ass its our goddamn president every. freaking. day. Lots of people lose presidential elections. Doesn’t make them failures. And none of the previous losers were every a woman. She deserved it more than Donald Effing Trump that’s for damn sure. And

but kinja gives us moments like this!

she and Meg eventually purchase a sailboat and make their way by sea to Canada.

Happy dance for a happy couple

Brokeback Mountain 2: Cruise Control

Yeah. My theory is that Trump only has three ways of dealing with people: bullying, lying, and flirting. It’s the same reason why he can’t compliment his daughter without making it sound sexual; it’s not that he is flirting with her, it’s just that flirting is the closest that he gets to an authentically non-hostile

I never thought I would see someone mention Tsunami Bomb in 2017 but I’m glad it happened.

“Fake’s all fake news..librul bullshit...”

Yep. Amy and Bernadette were both great adds (except for any time Amy is trying to seduce Sheldon, that’s just always verged way too much on creepy for me). Like Amy feels like a well-written Sheldon—a sheltered smart person who instead of being a jerk to everyone bonds very heavily with their few close friends and

Also probably pretty severe OCD given how extreme is need for order gets at times. Like he time Penny got paint on the couch cushion and just flipped it over and he was still bitchy so she had it dry cleaned and he still felt it was off.

If this is the universe attempting to balance itself out after putting Ailes in a fucking coffin, I’ll take it.

Censorship is specifically a group in power suppressing something because they have deemed it objectionable or offensive. This is just a company removing something that other people find offensive to maintain a child-friendly rating.

I would like to take the time to remind you that Nintendo is not censorship in any way, shape or form. This is because Nintendo owns the game and can change whatever they like about it. Now, this doesn’t stop you from criticizing their actions when those changes are stupid but it isn’t censorship when they do it.

Wang Ling, aka WLOP, is an artist from China currently based in Hong Kong.

Sounds like the church just wants to make sure there are no witnesses when they escort their favorite boyscout back behind the confessional curtain... They made it pretty clear that their church has no place for smart, industrious & dedicated girls. If he were fishing he’d throw us back every time.