
But if you listen to what they accuse others of, you can find out what crimes they’re hiding.

Unless the maze is 3d, (i.e. has bridges/tunnels going over/under paths) left or right will ALWAYS lead to the exit. Now, it may not lead to the center, (for mazes where that is the goal) but if an exit is the goal, only left or right will work 100% of the time.

Piotr Krezelewski is a freelance artist from Poland. I want to frame this and put it somewhere I drink scotch under

On the other hand, it is reassuring to me that he refuses to listen to reason. His impulse control is so nonexistent and his grandiosity so exaggerated that I cannot help but hope that the combination swiftly leads to his impeachment.

this seems like a subtle way to hurt the productivity of foreign consultants, contractors and bankers.

Payday 2 has gotten a lot of crap for doing stupid stuff in the past. This is such an outstanding move on their part and I hope the youtubers win. This issue is too important to rollover on.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs spiders. They’re bringing crime live fucking spiders. They’re rapists Arachnologists.

The only thing missing is a guy in thermoptic camouflage pushing through the crowd.

In a second statement, it was revealed that the pipe leaked more than a Russian lady of the evening.

I did the internet right, right mama? Right?

Comey thought it was a practical joke at first, then when he found out it wasn’t, stayed to shake the hands of the employees he had been speaking to. Not a fan of Comey, but contrast the professionalism...

One of the most baffling aspects of the Trump era of politics is how happy republicans and conservatives are to be taken as fools by the Trump administration. He feeds them this constant stream of lazy/obvious lies and they eat it up. I mean I get they’re partisan hacks, hypocrites, and disdainful of the poor and


Getting his worthless ballsac locked away for the rest of his life where it can’t contaminate a woman and inflict another generation of mouth-breathers on the world? He’s done every race a favor…

As horrible as this is, I can’t snickering at the linked video where apparently his lawyer or someone asked him to put on a shirt and tie.

So he got convicted just because he had a difference in opinion on justified homicide?

There’s no systemic problem with policing in the US. You can’t hold the entire profession accountable for a few bad apples.

Remember Confederate flag supporters, these are your people.

When you have so little going for you in life, that you believe being born with your largest bodily organ a few shades lighter than some humans makes you superior to them.