
Not only in Russia.

The other day I really wanted to play the Wolverine Origins game from Raven, I had to torrent it because it’s not available on any of the digital storefronts.

You there - you West Virginian Democrats who “voted for 45 because he tells it like it is” …?

i feel like it might be the “knife in the center of the seed” part that throws a lot of people. They think they have to stab it, and its so round that the tip just slides off and into their hand underneath.

I was getting chased on Mt. Chiliad, 4-star wanted level. I saw a Police Car come flying off a cliff straight into a Police Helicopter. The burning wreck of the helicopter landed right in front of me, forcing my to swerve off the road (I was on a bike). I ended up dead at the bottom of the mountain after I crashed

It’s a new world. Partisanship is so extreme now that all these republicans know they don’t have to worry about what anyone thinks except for their extreme base. There are no repercussions electorally.

The Unblackening is complete.

Trump’s biggest gift to our country is the efficiency with which he has laid bare how much of our politics are about eating shit. People that “respect our institutions” and keep voting for rich assholes to represent them have been eating well-seasoned shit their entire lives. Trump took away all your spices.

I just happened to be watching an old All In The Family episode the other day, where Archie is screaming “equality is UNFAIR!” Fits this situation perfectly.

Please ask this horrible lady the same question, b/c I couldn’t believe she pulled that one out of her butt:

You sound like some jilted ex, except on behalf of a country.

That’s a perfectly reasonable and acceptable question! As I recall, she was livid, tried to argue against him, and then — when he refused to change his opinion or even listen to two female family members who had both been raped — told him that she was in no way ever going to bail him out if he got in trouble for

Those strong Christian values.

Grab ‘em by the porch.  

You know, if we assume that each of his videos are of equal length, that’s a 7 hour 36 minute long diatribe. He probably doesn’t have time to date. boogers...