

Oh man, I seriously hope someone robs that dude’s house and police officer is like “hey, you should be grateful someone thinks your stuff is nice enough to steal. Let’s leave it at that sweetcheeks.”

Okay so, wow, you really can’t distinguish between someone putting out a visual and another person putting their hands on that thing? That’s like me saying, “hey, if you put that new car out in the driveway, you should have no problem with me taking a literal shit on it.”

I don’t think burgers keep as well as meth does.

Well, at least its thematically consistent.

“Baldwin also notes how Novack’s concerns have been promptly addressed, but, of course, hers have not.”

Not only will it literally kill people, but it’ll kill entrepreneurship too, as workers stay locked in their jobs for fear of losing heath insurance.

The only thing I know about crampons is that I get really embarrassed buying them for my wife when she sends me to the store.

He died doing what he loved.

Ah, good. I’m healing. Still in the process. I have even shittier powers of concentration than before and am almost certainly going to get an official ADHD diagnosis at the very least, but with enough to-do lists and Gcal, I can keep on track.

I went and looked these up on the steam reviews page and both seem to be complaining that, now that they’ve achieved a borderline neurotic level of game mastery, they find it too easy and pretty repetitive.

A brilliant muslim doctor running for governor in Michigan is inspiring in Trump’s America, but we won’t have fully arrived until there is a Juggalo-American candidate.

“As I’ve spoken to Michiganders, it’s clear to me that they’re a lot less interested in how I pray or what language I pray in

Personally, I think this was a solid tactic. Well played sir. Well played.

The rule, as always:

Illustration of Eric Trump in his natural environment.

Didn’t people try to say during the election that no bank in the US would lend to him because he sucks at making money so he probably went to Russia?

I’m a resident, and this was my email to his office.

Now playing

Typical amateur Americans… I’ll let the good folk of Lewes in Sussex show you how it’s done!

It’s a well known fact that white guys/husbands only act when provoked by dumb whores.