
I’ve been listening to Everything But The Girl during my commute ... simpler days, man.

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I had to know. I hunted down the original and the audio is added. And oh the curious turns my journey did take.

Right, the same women men suddenly wanted to protect were nasty bitches just a few years earlier, when they complained about sexual harassment and sexism by non-brown people.

So. Hot.

Oh, and don’t forget his knowledge and use of many adjectives. I swear to god, if I have to hear 45 say “tremendous” one more goddamn time...

I’m sure it was mostly cheaping out, but do not discount the idea that the arrogant fucks pissed suppliers off, too.

what a boring speech. He didn’t mention his 2 electoral college & popular vote wins AT ALL.

Emmanuel Macron has just (hopefully) won an election in France. He created a new party, a year ago. This could never happen in the United States; and we are the poorer for it.

I believe Pris said it best in 2019 when she said:

Hippo shitting is as new to me as to you, internet stranger! More research is clearly required here, but I simply don’t have the stamina after locating that video. I wish you godspeed on the hunt; inquiring minds will be waiting.

I’m just trying to be honest on all counts. :)

At my Houston high school, when I was a sophomore, two self-avowed Nazi students beat a Latinx student into a coma (for the full details, read about it here). These were kids who wore Nazi clothing, had Nazi articles on campus, were known Nazis. It just happened, the same way confederate flag t-shirts happened and

Like a bug lured by a bloody mattress.

lol the KY postcode connection gets funnier if you consider that there was probably at least one St Andrews grad who wanted to go to this.


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This song is as relevant now as it was when released in the 80's.

So when are we going to ban white guys? Or husbands??

There’s a family story of when my great grandmother first moved to middle-of-nowhere Pennsylvania. She goes into the general store for the first time and the shopkeeper says aloud, not believing that she understands English, “Oh great, another Hunky.” Her response was to go right up to him, and ask in a perfect upper

The Root also covered this story, the picture they used says a lot.