
People who still think that Obama was a Muslim born in Kenya really shouldn’t be allowed to make any sort of decision.

What about a competitive event with a $700,000 prize pool requires quotations around “professional?” i can understand E-”sports” but professional seems beyond dispute at this point—this is how these people make a living.

Yeah, I can’t even with that statement. One of the reasons health care costs were so high were emergency room visits that could have been prevented with basic primary care access. Those unpaid emergency room visits were, ultimately, shifted to people with insurance, hence high cost of care and high premiums. Like,

I hope these girls get the help and rehabilitation they need now, and are not shunned or further victimised by their communities...

Beyond this individual’s unnecessary and most likely wholly preventable death, the real tragedy is that stories like this won’t make a difference. In the minds of these conservative lawmakers, this man made an active choice to live a life and choose a job that didn’t facilitate having health insurance. If regular

This story is such a great testament to both the emotional and the monetary costs of having uninsured people. It is cheaper to treat stage 1 colon cancer than stage 4. It is better for the economy to have people starting small businesses, launching successful freelance careers, etc. without having to worry about

I really wish that frats were recognized for what they are - organizations that promote unsafe/illegal behavior through coersion etc. - and that these actions were recognized as abusive/illegal so that municipal law enforcement could just break them up. 

At this point, France should ask for that statue back.

The average American did not vote Trump either, so at least there’s a silver lining, we just have a less stupid system of election. It’s stupid too don’t get me wrong (any system in which voting for your heart increase the chance of a far right extremist you don’t want in power to win is a shitty system) but it’s

Don’t get ahead of yourselves here the elections for the National Assembly are going to be the important part. Considering Macron isn’t part of a political party he will have to build a coalition government which is easier said than done.

Le Pen isn’t done and the ideology that got her this far isn’t done. Good job France, but don’t forget that she got a third of the vote and set a record amount of results for the far right. For now though:

How about the bloviating shitheel releases his tax returns and we can all decide for ourselves whether it’s on the up and up?

Yes, he was such a good businessman that no American bank would loan him money.

Good job France. Suck it Russia. Now come on America, lets fix this shit.

Sounds to me that unlike Tamir Rice, this kid was actually given a chance to process the request to drop the weapon, and then had time to drop it. But instead, he kept advancing on them. This kid sounds like someone who had a death wish. Which is so, so sad but shouldn’t be compared to Jordan Edwards, who was flat out

I can’t not laugh everytime that Republicans tonepolice Democrats. It’s funny every time.

My black cat nicknames: monkey, stinky butt, sqooshie, Mamabear, sobre de luna ( Portuguese), chat, bast, etc...

My heart just grew three sizes

You can choose to believe the people on the ground investigating, speaking to witnesses, reviewing documents, and gathering evidence, or you can make your own opinion having never been to this base, interviewed anyone, or having any direct knowledge of the situation. I have reason to believe they are correct, I have