
It doesn’t mention any of the hunting-related bills the NRA has lobbied Congress about this year, like the law that lets hunters in Alaska shoot hibernating bears

Trump added that he was “confident” that the AHCA would pass the Senate.

“I’m President,” exclaimed Trump. “Can you believe it?”

Here’s the thing...It’s all about the mid-term election in 2018, and that’s increasingly looking doable for Democrats to take over the House. If they do, Trump is doomed. Armed with subpoena powers, multiple committees will be investigating this administration, releasing his tax returns, and possibly preferring

I need to vent about yet another piece of horrific legislation the House passed today - HR-1180 - which allows employers to give employees time off rather than pay for overtime.

I’ve never understood why America doesn’t have firearm storage laws. In Canada, all firearms in a house must be unloaded and disabled by way of trigger lock, bolt removed or in a locked, secure, enclosure. This way, there are no “accidental” shootings. If a gun goes off for any reason other than self defense,

Aw shit...

Apparently so. But I SWEAR I will never be able to live with the fact that in Itchy & Scratchy episode 2F09 where Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib twice in succession but it clearly makes two different tones. How much more punishment do I have to take?!

At least he didn’t go full troll by putting a certain prequel caricature on the list...

How is an executive order that references “Obamacare” legitimate? That’s not the name of any piece of legislature, its a nickname assigned by opposition to the Affordable Care Act.

Now playing

This whole article reminded me of Dave Chappelles racial draft...

The way they shoot, I don’t want to be anywhere near one of them on the road.

As an outsider, the staggering hypocrisy of this action while criticising the “evils” of Sharia law is, well, staggering.

No need to even rationalize the Chewie placement - now that we’ve seen his fur-less hands, the question is settled:

Since 9/11 Americans have been afraid of a radical religious extremists infiltrating the US government.

Pastors and religious institutions are ALREADY free to advocate and endorse whatever political candidates they want. There is no law banning their religious liberty.

Why do christians only fuck with sinners if their sin involves fucking? Where are the Christian wedding cake bakers who refuse to serve people for coveting their neighbor’s car?

Whew! Thank God! Just in time! Christianity was really on the ropes around these parts, what with a bizarre zealot as VP, the rollback of LGBTQ advances on weak morality grounds, and a 21st century version of the Crusades and all. Thanks, guys! Love the new retro style, even if ‘17th Century Chic’ is a bit excessive!

And they’re still freakin’ out about Sharia Law.