
Per Snopes:

Ariel Helwani getting run out of UFC is everything wrong with the sport.

Fun facts about the bill- it’s going to be voted on tomorrow because they’re going on a two week recess and don’t want to risk congressmen changing their minds after hearing it from voters during the break.

Ain’t no shame in the game. Myself, I found my spirit animal. #lifegoals

Did you say national security? Build a wall! And make the epidemic pay for it!

Just a reminder that pregnancy is a preexisting condition.

you might be a snowflake if you arrest people for laughing at you.

About ten years or so, my partner and I were living from paycheck to paycheck. I wasn’t working other than the occasional freelance gig, and his income wasn’t enough to pay all of the bills. We often had to borrow money in order to make mends meet.

The thing about the Rabbi Shmuley selfie is what is written ON the whiteboard: Muslim Ban (checked as completed) - this accidental evidence will kill the White House’s contention (in the appellate courts) that the travel restrictions were anything other than religious discrimination (and leave no room to argue that

🎶 Just another dick and a wall 🎶

I am fucking sick of the people on the left who shout “neoliberalism!” As a reason to not support a moderate or fairly liberal candidate when there is a fucking nazi sympathizer opposing them. I mean seriously, how privileged do you have to be to throw people of color, immigrants, Jews, women, LGBT+ people, and so

I have known Nylon writer (and DJ) Dani Deahl for a long time — I even planned a 20+ city tour for her once. I got to witness, firsthand, what it looks like when hyper-masculine bro culture clashes with a woman who matches them at their (admittedly silly) craft. I dealt with agents and promoters who just wouldn’t book

Accidentally killing an innocent person should be a fireable offense for police officers. End of story. Your job is to enforce laws and apprehend criminals. And instead, you killed someone who did nothing wrong. You’re fired.

The New York Times reported on Monday Police Chief John Haber admitted that video footage from body cameras revealed that the car had actually been pulling away away from police when shots were fired.

Waiting for those assholes who were just sooo sure the cops were telling the truth, who claimed that OF COURSE these Black teenagers were drunk and breaking the law and tried to run the cops over. OF COURSE this cop wasn’t lying. If these kids weren’t doing anything wrong, they wouldn’t have been shot. Because the

No he did not! OMG! lol I laughed so hard. I’m dying,