
Iris Muddy is a freelance concept artist and illustrator based in France who has worked for companies like Hasbro

President Andrew Jackson, who died 16 years before the Civil War started, saw it coming and was angry. Would never have let it happen!

A Code Pink activist who was arrested during Jeff Sessions’ confirmation hearing after laughing during introductory comments is now being prosecuted by a Justice Department run by Jeff Sessions.

Yeah, everything the bloated gasbag says has to be interpreted because he apparently has no ability at all to express himself without sounding like a spectacularly stupid moron.

Wow. Margaret Atwood was exactly right. Men really are afraid women will laugh at them.

Those of us who are permagrays salute you and wish you well.

The GOP is experiencing some rather uncomfortable déjà vu in their revamped Obamacare repeal effort—this time, now that the Freedom Caucus has been appeased, it’s the moderates who aren’t on board. Who could have predicted?

I hope there’s someone laughing at every public event he’s at.

I don’t know if you already reported on this but in continuing with the appointees completely unqualified for their job. This former director of a hate group is now the person who is supposed to help immigrants with their immigration cases in USCIS ha ha ha ah ha ha but her emails!!!!!!

That’s a false narrative.

hmm good point. The prison industry isn’t going to profit without it.

The last minute Comey letter provided an excuse for folks who had an inherent bias against Clinton for some reason that they just couldn’t admit to themselves (misogyny, racism, etc). “I know I SHOULD vote for her, but I just don’t want to for some reason I can’t name. Oh, HEY, here’s some more suspicious

Uniquely awful and yet somehow the only person of her gender to get even close to the presidency. Because she’s the problem, not society.

We should take whichever road has fewer potholes.

Republican solutions to all problems:

Hey - when you’re right, you’re right.

LOL Trump is never going to fill all those spots. Auditioning for a job is stupid; Trump is just going to add it to Jared’s portfolio as part of his long plan to kill him with over-exhaustion so that he can nail his wife.

Spot price of gold as I type this is $40384.55/kg. 33 pounds of gold therefore costs about $604500. $1.4M is thus a 132% markup from raw materials cost. And that’s if we’re talking about 33 lb of 24 karat gold; it’s more likely an alloy.

I am dying at the alarmist Food-Babe-caliber responses your post is getting. Don’t you know how many paleo nutjobs read this blog? Here come the crazies... oh wait... they’re already here.