God and Trump have a very good relationship. They got along great when they met, and then God went and made Trump’s penis look like that. Just a bad (or sick) guy.
God and Trump have a very good relationship. They got along great when they met, and then God went and made Trump’s penis look like that. Just a bad (or sick) guy.
He hasn’t mentioned it, but how else could Cheetolini have known he would be the greatest Job Creator God has ever created? /s
Hey...they are alternate doctors.
I agree. Trump and Republicans finally have their moment to put their money where their mouth is and do almost whatever they want, and they have had virtually no ability to execute. All the straw man arguments they’ve used for the last few decades have left them with no ability to comprehend the political realities…
Agreed completely but 100 days versus 8 years. There’s still time....
Leotard? Forget that. Does it come with all of her hardware? She earned those gold medals, they better include replicas with that damn doll lol
From the article linked:
I refuse to hear cases from practicing Christians, there is demonstrable proof that Christianity is harmful to children and full of pedophiles.
We ain’t practicing no more, Bitch. We doin’ it for real now. Get on up out that chair.
And did he have the proper documents to cross the road? I don’t know that he did. And the media is ignoring the story. So we’re going to launch an investigation, and for the victims of illegal chickens crossing roads we’re going to set up a new government office, it’ll be fantastic, we’re calling it NUGGETS, it’s…
Hint: It was about slavery and the purported primacy of the white race.
“And what about World War II? Nobody but me wants to ask that question. If Andrew Jackson had just lived a little longer, never would have happened. If I had been president, World War II? Never would have happened. Why couldn’t that one have been worked out? What was so bad about Hitler and Pearl Harbor anyways?”
This is not normal.
It’s a church that integrates the “V”. Most of them don’t.
“outlandish slippery slop logic”
For what it’s worth, here’s the chief of police email:
Yeah, we need to stop the hero worship of cops. Not every cop is a hero, plenty are just violent scum. Or jumpy cowards. Or racist. Or collaborators with the violent, jumpy, cowardly, racist scum. Three of the five bullies in my high school class became cops, which looks like a pattern. And Trump isn’t helping.
They must be from Wales. All of their vowels were washed out to sea in the Great Storm of ‘32....
A search engine optimization ploy.